The news!

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"Merlin!" I screamed running to his hiding place near the waterfall where he caught me using magic. "What could you possibly want!"
"You!" As the words left my mouth my heart stopped. "Why did I say that oh god." Lost in my thoughts of embarrassment. When I was thrown to the ground. His lips smacked against mine he was like a wild animal. I felt like this is what I was waiting for my whole life, but it was so wrong I'm engaged to Arthur. "Merlin stops!" helping me up. "Merlin, I need to tell you something."
"What was that kiss not good enough."
"No it was perfect actually but to the point I did the test Gaius helped me with."
"Yeah the one to tell you who the father is." He rolls his eyes.
"The baby is yours."
"What!" He screams his eyes watching me waiting for me to tell him it was a lie.
"The baby is yours."
"Well it changes colour to green then it had a different colour which was Octarine the colour of magic."
"You have magic."
"Yes but with the magic words Gaius said it only tests who the father is so."
"The baby is mine." He jumps at me hugging my waist tightly. "Merlin this has to be our secret."
"I will keep it for now, but you need to hurry and chose." I smile at him. "Yes, I do." I said to myself and walked off feeling heart broken. I owe him my love; I owe Arthur a promise.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now