The truth

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The orange glow died down leaving behind a full and healthy forest. The trees were green, the lake was no more a swap it was beautiful and blue flowing in the warm breeze. The fog had cleared up letting the blue sky brighten up the forest. The willow tree no longer had a fairy craved into it, the tree stood strong on glowing a slight orange has it looked over the fresh new forest.

"Mother?" I stared at the women in front of me. Merlin's hand still in mine our eyes sweeping over the fragile women.
"Rosemary is that you."
"Mother how did." She hugged me and kissed me a thousand times cutting off my sentence.
"You've grown up look at you pregnant yourself and in love."
"Mother how did you get out?"
"I think you and this handsome young man had something to do with it." Merlin scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Rosemary there you are what happened? Who's this? And Merlin what you are doing here?" Arthur looked confused. Think it's time he knew the truth. I owed him that much after everything we've been through.

"Arthur darling please take a seat and listen." He did as he was told he sent his Knights off to look around and take my mother to my father. " Arthur I am magical as you can see, I have fairy wings and so does my mother, I am half fairy and half human Morgana's mother had trapped my mother in this willow tree." I took a deep breathe before carrying on. "She was pregnant with me. I was their end a powerful baby born from queen of fairies would be their doom with the help from a powerful man named Emrys or Merlin as he is known by mortal man. I know this is a lot to take in, but you needed to know the truth." I looked him over he sat there not moving his chest would rise and fall now and then. "While we are telling the truth, I have some more Gwen loves you. I do not I love you has a brother but not as a husband, you should marry Gwen I'm sorry I loved you for a bit in away a wife should, but I got feelings for Merlin." I gave him a sad smile I hadn't finished the whole truth this one could break him or make him.
"The baby isn't yours it's Merlin's." He stood up wiped his clothes looking at me. "May I have one last kiss before we part ways." I nodded and placed a kiss upon his lips, they were soft and delicate, but they didn't have the feeling that Merlin's did when we kissed.
"I had my suspicions about the baby and about you and Merlin, but the magic thing I would never have guessed. Merlin being magic is a shock." He laughed.
"You're not mad I mean Camelot Hates magic."
"Not anymore I will welcome it and do fair trials for anyone who Miss treats it." I smiled at him he was a kind-hearted man even after magic has taken so much from him and yet he still loves me and Merlin.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now