Amour and swords

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"Arthur I can explain." I pleaded.
"There's nothing to explain you went out into the woods when I told you not to."
"I know but I had Merlin."
"Merlin he couldn't be able to protect you not even if he had a rock." He laughed loudly.
"Merlin was great company better than you would have been and he can protect me I'm here aren't I with my father!" I stormed off leaving Merlin with my father laid on my horse.
I sat in my chambers arguing with myself about how Arthur over reacted. "Why was he so angry there wasn't any need I can look after myself, was he jealous that Merlin was there.!" I banged my hands on the table. "Whoever it is go away not in the mood!"
"So, you don't want to talk to your father then." I spun round facing my father old but handsome face, he had the looks even with age. "Father." I grabbed him to a soft embrace, I had missed him a lot he was my everything. "You risked your life and Marlins to save me and disobeyed your husband to be."
"Well technically I didn't risk Marlins life he followed me and yes I disobeyed Arthur, but he doesn't care he loves Gwen."
"Merlin was going to follow you because you two are destined to be together."
"Me love Merlin? Definitely not you are wrong father." I waved my hand dismissively in the air.

I stood there admiring his door until I had the courage to knock. 'Knock' "Come in Rosemary." I open the heavy door.
"How did you know it was me?" He looked up gave me a quick smile he spoke his voice gravely, " I could tell by your shadow."
"Oh." I tucked some loose hair behind my ear.
"What took you so long to knock anyways?"
"Nothing I was admiring your door." I went a little red and ducked my head down.
"Was you really." He said with a little smirk.
"Yes, I was it's a very unique door."
"Well that's good to know why did come?"
" I came to see you after all were meant to be getting married soon."
"So you come to spend time with me thought you preferred Merlin."
"I heard a spot of jealously in that sentence of yours Humm, Well Merlin is much more fun and easier to pick on then you and easier to fight." I said with a giggle.
"Jealous of Merlin no way." He said with a squeaky voice.
"You sure." I joked.
"Yeah I'm sure now what did you have in mind for spending time together?"
"Well we could go for a ride but I much rather have a sword fight."
"Think riding would be much more suited."
"See I don't think it will sword fighting it is or are you worried You will be beaten by a girl."
"Sword fighting it is then." He said with a smirk.

We headed out to the training field where his knights of the round table awaited. There stood Percival with his short brown hair and strong arms folded, Gwaine stood next to him he wasn't as strong looking he was a little less muscle but still hot his hair was brown and long and blew in the air next was Elyon he was smaller than Percival but strong looking his abs shone in the sunlight to be honest all the knights where topless. Stood next to Eylon was Sir Leon he had blond and brown hair which fell in ringlets. Lancelot stood next to Sir Leon his hair was dark brown which was short but with a bit of length and curly he had a slight beard like Gwaine but less beard than Sir Leon. I watched them all stand there topless shouting Arthur's going to lose. I giggled. I searched around for Merlin he wasn't there, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.
"Hello your majesty." Gwaine said while taking my hand and kissing it.
"Hello to you too Gwaine."
"Gwaine stop flirting with my wife to be." Arthur snapped.

I walked over to my father who was sat with Uther. "Rosemary don't put Arthur to shame remember he needs to look good he will be king."
"Yes father."
"Rosemary look at me when you say that."
"Yes father I promise." I said while looking at him in the eye.
"It doesn't matter Leo if she wins it will make him look stronger as his wife can fight." Uther said.
I grabbed my sword that my mother had made to help fight her fairy battles. It was sliver with Rosie's carved into the sword. My mother's favourite flower. "Merlin fetch me my sword please. "Merlin came running out with a golden and sliver sword for Arthur. He handed it over it shone so bright it looked like dragon fire. My eyes wondered over to the little servant boy his brown hair was over the place his eyes were dull and yet he wouldn't even look at me. I felt my heart break.

"Rosemary are you ready to meet your fate."
"Won't be me who will be meeting my fate it will be you." Our swords crashed into each other. Metal on metal clashed. We fought like that for five minutes. I watched Arthur as sweat fell from his face he was nervous and tired. "You give up yet."
"Never." He replied he swung at me. I Dodged it went under his sword arm; elbowing him straight into the stomach, his face blew up like a frog trying to get air. He spun round to hit me again, but I was quicker. I hit him in the back, he crashed to the ground like a bag of potatoes. He tried to swing at me from the floor, but he failed I swung my sword towards him letting it him hit the ground beside him. I gave him a wink, held out my hand he took it. He grabbed my hand pulling me down, I landed on top of him leaving behind a scream. "So, Rosemary did you do all this so you could be laid here with me."
"If it makes you feel better about losing then yes, I did."
"I didn't lose I think you will find you did you see I got you wrapped round my arms."
"Well I am fully aware you do but the thing is..."
"What?" I broke free and ran towards the Knights.
"You want to play that game, do you?" He ran towards me just missing me by and inch as I ran towards the castle's door. Arthur chased me until we reached his chambers.
"I've got you now." He said leaning over me."
"Have you really." I said with a wink.

"Arthur you're making me uncomfortable leaning over me."
"Am I really I think your enjoying it." He leaned in further and kissed my neck. I turned my neck for more like a victim of a vampire. He opened his door pushing me towards his bed. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think." He replied.
"Disobeying the rules where not married yet."
"What we nearly are that counts." I didn't even answer him I just leaned my body into his encouraging him take my armour off. Chainmail was scattered across the floor. My naked body was laid flat down on the bed. Arthur crawled on top kissing my lips.

We lay on his bed his arm round me my head laid on his chest listening to the heavy breathing his lungs were doing. "Rosemary where are you!" My father called. Arthur and I both sat up quickly.
"Are you in here?" He open Arthur chamber doors.
"Leonardo Arthur shouted.
"Sorry I'm just looking for my daughter to say goodbye."
" I saw her last when I was chasing her."
"Well thank you Arthur." I sat up from under the cover.
"That was close." He said with a laugh.
"Yes, it was." I agreed a mischievous smile on my face.

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