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It's been a week since Arthur sent me to Hunith. We haven't spoken much she's been busy with Gaius going around the villagers treating them. I would stay behind and clean and prepare meals for them returning lucky enough for me my dad taught me how to cook and I have magic so I can cook and clean at the same time.

An hour later Hunith came home early. "Hello." I said while waving my hand in the air. Think it may have been too enthusiastic because she turned away from me shaking her head. "Sorry shouldn't I have waved?" I asked nervously.
"Oh no dear I'm sorry it's just that I watched one of my oldest friends die of a common cold." I didn't reply I just hugged her tightly. Probably worst thing to do to a woman you've only know for a week. "Thank you dear I really needed that." She pulled me away and smiled.
"I have cooked lamb pie for us all tonight is that all right?" I said while looking at the ground.
"Yes dear why are you so nervous round me?"
" I don't know I just am."
"Is it because you love my son?"
"Maybe I'm not sure all I know is that there's something between us, he's looked after me ever since I came to Camelot and well Arthur cared for me until his father died and I think we're just friends but."
"But what dear?" I sucked my lip into my mouth biting on it until blood seeps out. " I'm having a baby." I burst into tears.
"Darling I already know."
"How?" I mumbled wiping away my tears.
"I am a woman and I have had a child myself I know the signs."
"Oh." I laughed.
"Is it Merlin's?"
"Yes." I said looking down at my stomach. I still wasn't showing much.
"I thought as much I can sense the love."
"What do you mean?"
"Love is all around us it's in different forms for us all and when I mention Merlin you blushed."
"Darling you shouldn't let things get in the way of your love."
"I know but my father says me and Merlin are meant to be because it's our destiny."
"What do you mean?"
"My mother was the queen of fairies."
"You have magic?"
"Yes is that wrong."
"No, will your baby have magic?"
"Yes but luckily not as powerful an old women foresee it."
"Okay ." She said hugging me.

Gaius comes in and plonks his bum on a chair. "Hello." Me and Hunith say together: smiling.
We sat and ate my lamb pie I made. I watched them eat every mouth full. Gaius was dribbling with enjoyment. Hunith eyes shut with every mouth full taking in the flavour. I smiled at them both, two people I was worried would hate me for nit understanding my feelings for merlin and yet they welcome me with open arms and have become family to me. I couldn't stop the lonely tear that fell from eye.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now