He's Got A Love Like Woe: Scene Fourteen

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Scene Fourteen:

The grip on his arm tightened and Jordan frowned, it seemed like something always held a barrier between him getting to Christofer.

"What are you doing?" Jordan asked, rocking on the back of his heels. Risking a glance behind him, he noticed that Christofer was too engulfed in his signing he didn't even spare a glance in the boys' direction.

"I really don't think it's best if you go to him while he's with his fans." Stephen explained further. "It'll cause a scene, more so than the one you two created before." Remembering it clearly, Stephen scowled even more. He wasn't about to let this, this, amateur get in the way of his plans.

Jordan began to get agitated, who was Stephen to tell him what to do? He was a grown man for God's sake, he could do whatever he pleases and if he wanted to go run up to Christofer and sit with him until the signing was over, he would.

Twisting his arm out of Stephen's hold, Jordan took a few steps back before decided he was done with this one-way conversation. He was about to leave Stephen here by himself, when he knew his thoughts.

Before Stephen let Jordan escape, he figured he'd give him a swift kick and dosage of reality. "You honestly believe what Christofer tells you?" Waiting for the fish to take the bait, Stephen crossed his arms over his chest, smirking once Jordan slowly turned back to face him.

"What?" Jordan asked, incredulous.

"I said, do you honestly believe everything Christofer tells you." Closing the distance, he looked down at the naive boy standing in front of him. "I may not know him as long as you do, but I know him well enough. That means I know he'll never wait for you like he said he would."

"Were you listening in on us?"

"Does it matter?" Stephen asked, looking intently at Jordan. "You know I'm right. Christofer is a blithe spirit, that means he'll do what he wants and use whomever he wants to get his way. He's indecisive as well, therefore you're just a somebody now and when Christofer gets bored of you, he'll leave you to yourself."

Jordan shook his head, defending his lover. "You're wrong. Christofer isn't like that and he wouldn't do that to someone he cared about, someone he --,"

"Loves?" Stephen supplied. Laughing, he placed a sympathetic hand on Jordan's shoulder. "I'm sorry, but you don't actually think he'd love you, right?"

By now, Jordan had had enough of his taunts. There was no way he would sway Jordan to thinking differently of Christofer. He knew Christofer, he cared for him and that meant he knew his own perception of the boy and this interpretation Stephen was getting into his head wasn't Christofer.

Not willing to waste anymore time playing cat and mouse, he fully turned on his heels and began walking towards the tent Christofer was shaded under.

"Go ahead, walk away and pretend what I'm saying isn't true. But when he leaves you, like the cold-hearted person he can be, don't say I didn't warn you." Once Stephen knew what he was saying wasn't getting into Jordan's head, he kept going. "And then, I'll be the one he looks for in the night. So go ahead and enjoy that perfect piece of ass you have, while you still have him."

Stopping dead in his tracks, Jordan clenched his fists. He quickly walked back until he was face-to-face with Stephen, whom was grinning like he won a prize. Calmly talking to him, Jordan got his fist ready. "You think you know everything, but you don't. You're just being a pathetic excuse of a person because you were never loved." Before he could let Stephen make a remark, Jordan swiftly swung his right fist towards his awaiting face, enjoying the sound of surprise Stephen made once his head was knocked to the side and the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

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