He's Got A Love Like Woe: Scene Twenty-Nine

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Scene Twenty-Nine:

It turns out, Christofer had agreed to Pete's terms willingly. Jordan didn't even need to persuade him with extra intimacy, delicious pastries or anything of the sort. Which was slightly depressing. He would never admit it to anyone if they asked, but, he was looking forward to seducing his dark haired lover into the agreement. But there was no need of those tools, Christofer had simply shrugged his shoulders and said a feeble, positive reply when Jordan called to ask him of his opinion towards the whole situation. Of course, he did it in the privacy of the bus -- he didn't want anyone to tell Pete otherwise just to make sure they were wholeheartedly in agreement on the interviews and publicity they'd be facing in the weeks to come.

Not too long after Jordan had called Christofer, he then called Pete.

Jordan was used to the ungodly hours of touring, so it wasn't part of his thought process when he called Pete around three in the morning. Much to his dismay, his manager didn't pick up which meant Jordan had left him an awkward and mumbling voicemail. And once that was over all he needed was a nice rest from the day's havoc. Unfortunatly for the troubled boy, he was never able to fully appreciate what that even meant.

Andy was in for revenge that night, after what Jordan had impulsively done that afternoon and he was going to extract that revenge with little mercy. They were, after all, good friends and what sort of friend would Andy be if he allowed Jordan to get away with that kind of abuse?

Well, Andy wasn't really sure what type of friend he would be in that situation -- but he knew it'd be a bad one!

Jordan had just pulled the covers over his legs when his feet felt something cold and squishy. Frowning to himself he flung the covers over to one side and tried to look without turning on a nearby light, he was considerate and didn't want to wake anyone else up. When he realized he couldn't even see the toes on his feet, he sighed and prepared himself to make a dash to the bathroom but the moment he set his feet on the cold floor, the substance on his feet became slippery and he tumbled onto the ground.

Jordan wasn't a perfect person, he had fallen multiple times -- sometimes even over his own two feet, but at that moment he had never felt so humiliated. The fact that nobody else had seen him fall made his cheeks cool down from a ruby red color.

As Andy and Keegan both quieted their snorts and laughs, they awaited the moment when Jordan would attempt to get up once more. They knew they were being childish, but it was what they were best at. Besides, Andy reasoned. Jordan deserves some sort of payback for ruining his appetite after he socked him in the stomach.

Jordan didn't know what was expected of him that morning when he awoke with swollen eyes. The whole night all he heard were bits of laughter at his own expense, although he didn't find it humourous at all. After he had fumbled on jelly feet for the remainder of his trip to the bathroom last night, he was then blinded by a fume infested room of colognes. it was bad enough he breathed them in, but it got much worse once he was sprayed in the eyes by accident from Andy. At first he felt nothing; just shock but then he felt a stinging and burning sensation. Jordan had made it worse by closing his eyes instantly after he felt the pain, the number one thing you were not supposed to do. Even after all the yelling and splashing of water, it didn't soothe the sting.

And now, he sat in bed with watery and red eyes. He could barely see a thing! Everything was foggy and cloudy. If he had any ounce of intelligence he shoulder have told the driver to stop by the nearest hospital to get his eyes properly cleansed and checked out, but he was on a schedule. And Pete told him he and Christofer were to meet one of the magazines that were begging for an interview with the couple. Although you could imagine Jordan's relief once he realized he'd only need his ears for this interview, not his damages eyes.

As Jordan was escorted by Andy and Keegan, since he was practically blind and helpless at this point, he began to feel nervous. He had no idea what questions the interviewer wanted answers to, nor how discreet they would be about the information they'd give them. Heck, of if they were prejudice against their sexuality -- for all he knew this person could be a judgemental human being whom wanted to dissect their gay fantasies one by one, to mock them in return.

"You need to stop being so tense," Keegan mumbled, squeezing Jordan's shoulders. "Everything will be fine."

Jordan shook his head, persing his lips. "Everything would be better if I could see where I was walking." He knew he was being bitter for holding a grudge about this, but he figured his friends had gone too far this time. They hadn't even apologized!

"You'll be fine by tomorrow, don't worry. I mean, how bad could your eyes be?" Andy asked, tilting his head to one side. "Besides, we'll take you to see a doctor soon if you really are worried."

Keegan nodding his head," Exactly. Just focus on this interview and if your eyes are still bugging you tomorrow morning we'll schedule an appointment." Keegan opened the door to the room, letting Andy support Jordan towards the nearest chair. Once Jordan was properly seated, he felt the air around him shift while a cigarette smell engulfed him and he knew that Christofer was crouched down beside him.

"What happened to you?" Christofer cried, his cold hands holding Jordan's face. "Oh my God, we need to get you to a doctor or something right now!" The concern Jordan heard in Christofer's tone made his heart melt.

"No, no." Jordan mumbled, his lips twitching to form a smile. "Believe me, I'm alright. Right now we need to focus on this interview, then we can both freak out. We have no idea what they're going to ask us and we need to be prepared for anything -- Pete never mentioned whether they wanted to do this interview for the good of us or a scoop of a story,"

"Screw the interview!" Christofer shouted, his hands dropping from Jordan's face. "If you don't do something about your eyes you'll be permanently blind! I don't need to see you with bandages covering your eyes, or you walking with a service dog." Once he realized he was shouting, Christofer took a breath of air and closed his eyes. Just seeing Jordan sitting there with such a calm exterior made Christofer sigh in defeat. He knew he was babying Jordan, the man was old enough to make his own decisions but he couldn't help but panic and worry over his safety. His own experience from recovering from his own injuries made him that much more protective, because he had seen the worry etched on Jordan's face and swore if he was ever placed in that situation he'd go through hell and back to see his lover healthy and well.

Christofer smiled and ran his hand through Jordan's bangs that covered his forehead, placing a chaste kiss on that patch of skin afterwards. "If you want to stay for this interview then we will, just please promise me that the moment this is over we'll get your eyes checked out."

Jordan was only able to nod in understanding after laughing silently, before the door to the room had burst open, catching him completely off guard. In response to the sudden interruption, the muscles in his legs had spasmed, knocking Jordan's chair backwards. Jordan had felt the air from his lungs leave quickly, leaving him breathless and dazed. His head was throbbing and his eyes had closed. Hissing in pain, Jordan heard someone intake a gasp of air before Christofer groaned in pain as well.

"How dare you!" A woman's voice shrieked. "Someone call security!" The woman was then held back by Andy and Keegan before she could give Christofer another swift kick in the shin with her heeled shoe. "Men are all scum. I heard yelling and then I saw your partner's eyes! You can't tell me you didn't abuse him because I know better! Security!"

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