He's Got A Love Like Woe: Scene Twenty-Three

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Scene Twenty-Three:

Jordan had taken it all back, every word. The time lapse from his courageous speech to Christofer over the phone, was exactly one week. And every night his mind had left him haunting thoughts and images, leaving his heart in a weaker state each day. It was easy for Jordan to regret every harmful word he voiced to Christofer, especially when he was thinking about him every day.

Jordan had thought that he could simply ignore all the past memories that were built into his mind, that everything him and Christofer had experienced and went through had vanished just like their relationship.

But it didn't work that way.

His shredded heart was slowly taking Jordan down with it, making him suffer through what he had done. Not only was his heart ashamed of him and his decision but his mind was also against him.

Each night as Jordan closed his eyes, his dreams would replay over and over. They would begin in the same order and end in the exact same spot -- there was nothing added nor lost. In fact, Jordan could feel the depleting shivers roll down his spine from just the memory of the dream that he has previously awoke from.

Warm lips brushed against his neck, the person's breath fanning across his feverish skin. He could feel his throat closing in, his own lips feeling dry with need. He wanted the sensation of the person's plush lips against his own, but knew that if he tried to make an advance the likelihood of him getting what he wanted was going to be delayed until later.

Jordan had thought of begging, his body pulsating with every breath, because he knew that this was some sort of torture towards him. The person knew exactly what he liked and they were using it against him.

The person's hands were roaming over his chest, as he lay against the sheets, naked. He was tied by his hands and feet to the bedpost, making it uncomfortable for him to move -- which was exactly what the person wanted. Therefore Jordan could writhe and shiver under their touch, but never move away from it. His own personal hell.

As their hands roamed lower, Jordan jerked forward from the sensitivity. He was barely used to feeling like this with another person, and the fact that he could do nothing but sit there and watch made his actions that more jumpy. The person grabbed his thighs and held them down as their head grew lower to that pulsating section. Only a breath away from possibly losing himself to the person's invitation, the heat being produced by their mouth was slowly grazing itself his way, everything in the dream changed.

No longer did he await the pleasure he was bound to receive, in fact, he cowered against the restraints. The person's whole aura had drastically swapped, from being seductive and lively to harsh and cold. Their hands gripped his neck, the pressure making Jordan choke.

As he tried to protect himself and pry their hands from his throat, his wrists burned from the rope digging into his skin. The more he moved his body in an attempt to knock the person off, the more air he lost. He was suffocating to death!

Wrapping his arms around his shaky form, Jordan shut his eyes tightly. No matter how hard he tried, that dream followed him wherever he went almost like it was burned in his subconscious. He didn't even know what his dreams meant. Jordan knew that they portrayed some sort of lesson in them, but he had no idea what his were trying to say.

He had assumed that the person in his dream, who was always shadowed in black, was no doubt Christofer. The feelings that stirred from deep within him from the beginning of the dream, were the exact same ones he felt that night he spent with Christofer. But it troubled him when he couldn't figure out why the dream would turn out so horribly the next second.

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