Yes, I am Elena Gilbert's Long Lost Fraternal Twin

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Harley Gilbert's POV:

I managed to knock on the house door. ''Coming!'' A familiar voice yelled. I leaned on the door frame unable to keep my body straight.

"Ye- Oh my God, Harley! HARLEY! Where the hell...? You're here! What the hell happened to you?! ELENA! ELENA! Come downstairs! HURRY!'' Jeremy yelled as he picked me up, bridal style, and layed me down on the living room couch.

''What is it Jer?'' I heard Elena ask. I saw her walking down the staircase, she looked at Jeremy and followed his gaze towards me. "Oh my God...Harley...?! HARLEY! What happened to you?! Oh my're here!'' She yelled running down the stairs and hugging me hard.

I winced, "H-hi'' I stammered.

''What...? Who did this to you?'' Elena asked motioning to my scars and blood.

''I-it's n-not important...h-how've you guys been? How's m-mom and d-dad?'' I asked them, a small smile forming at my lips, ignoring the pain.

Elena and Jeremy frowned, Elena's eyes brimmed with tears. ''W-what happened?" I asked desperately. What was going on?

''They...they got in a car accident'' Elena said slowly.

''A-and?'' I asked them.

''They're dead Harley.'' Jeremy said. I gasped and my eyes welled with tears.

''No!! Don't t-tell me i-it's true! T-tell me this i-is some kind o-of sick joke! can't be...not when I came b-back for th-them. can't be'' I kept muttering. Elena on my right side, and Jeremy on my left side. Giving me soothing words, none of which worked of-course.

''Mommy and daddy are d-dead...they're d-dead!'' I sobbed into Jeremy's chest, while Elena gripped my hand in confort.

''Go take a shower, Lee. We'll talk about all of the latest things...all right?'' Elena said, guiding me to my bedroom. There it was, untouched. I entered the shower and started crying.

My parents were dead. I wouldn't see them again. Ever. 

After I took a shower, I let my hair air dry. I went to my wooden, walk-in closet and put on a simple white tank-top and a jean mini-skirt. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, luckily I was a quick healer. None of my scars were showing too much, only if you looked close and long. The only scar that I knew would stay with me for my whole life was the one across my back.

I sighed and started walking downstairs, ''Elena?'' I asked, my voice hoarse. I cleared my throat.

''I'm in the kitchen!'' I heard. I walked to the direction of the kitchen to see Elena with a very handsome guy. He had brown, spikey hair and green eyes with a hint of brown in them.

''Lee, this is Stefan, my, uh, boyfriend. Stefan this is Harley my sister'' Elena introduced us. Stefan extended his hand out for me to shake, but instinctivily I stepped back, scared.

He let his hand fall slowly to his side, ''It's nice meeting you Harley. Elena has told me a lot about you'' he said a small smile on his face.

I nodded slowly, ''I'm going for a walk Elena. Can I take your cellphone?'' I asked looking at Stefan wearily, watching his every move.

''Yeah...sure. Here,'' she said handing me her phone, ''Be careful Harley''.

''Mhm...see you'' I muttered. I went up to my bedroom and put on my purple running shoes.

I was currently sitting on a swing in the park letting sadness overwhelm me. Tears came to my eyes and I cried as the swing went back and forth. I heard a crawk and looked forward to see a black bird, like a crow. I shivered and looked back down at the ground.

''Hey, you alright there?'' I heard. I looked back up to see a red-haired guy with baby blue eyes in front of me. He looked about two years older than me.

I stiffened and nodded.

''You sure? You look...panicked'' he said.

''I'm alright'' I muttered standing up from the swing, getting ready to go.

''You don't look fine'' the guy insisted grabbing my wrist.

I winced, ''Let go of me...'' I said.

''No, not until-'' I cut him off.

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed shaking him off.

''Jeez ok...'' he muttered.

I breathed in deeply, slightly shaking. I heard another crawk and looked up to see the same bird staring at me, with black eyes. If I hadn't known better, I would've said it was staring at me with curiosity.

I shook me head and headed home.

I entered the house to see a group of people there. What was going on? ''Elena?'' I asked. All of the people there turned to look at me. I recognized them all now, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Vicky and Aunt Jenna.

''H-Harley?'' Caroline asked.

I smiled at them, ''Hi guys''. And then they all rushed towards me. '''Where were you?'' ''What happened?'' ''Were you with someone?'' Everyone was asking different questions all at one.

''Guys...she just got here. Leave her alone,'' Aunt Jenna said "Welcome home Harley'' she then said smiling at me.

''I missed you SO much'' Caroline said hugging me in a bone-crushing hug.

''Me too'' I said just as Bonnie came to hug me also.

'''Long time no see Harley'' Vicky said smiling at me.

''Yup...'' I muttered smiling back at her.

''I missed you girl!'' Matt said coming towards me about to hug me.

I stepped back, ''D-don't'' I said.

''What's wrong Lee?'' Matt asked.

I shook my head, ''J-just...don't touch me. Ok?'' I said shakily.

''Ok Lee.'' Matt said. I turned to see everyone eyeing me wearily.

''Lee! Your back'' I heard Elena said as she emerged from her bedroom with Stefan.

''Yeah...I'm going to my bedroom. It was...nice seeing you guys'' I muttered as I walked upstairs, to my bedroom.

Dear Diary,

I am finally home. I did it. But now I know that my parents are...dead. I tried to let guys touch me, as in hug, but I couldn't...I didn't even let my best-friend Matt hug me. I wish I had never gone to that stupid party. My parents probably wouldn't be dead, and nothing would've happened to me...Tomorrow I will start school again. I will say, ''I'm fine. Yes, much better''. And I will smile and make it believable. I will try to be myself again.

-Harley Gilbert

After I finished writing on my diary, I was going to head downstairs to drink some water but I heard some whispering. I got close to the living room, close enough so no one would see me but I could listen in on what they were saying.

''Something's wrong with her...'' I heard Matt say.

''Yeah, did you see how paranoid she looked when Matt was going to hug her?'' Caroline said.

''I know...and she did the same with Stefan. When I introduced them he went to shake her hand and she refused. I think something happened when she disappeared'' Elena said.

I sighed and went back up to my bedroom. I grabbed the picture I had on my nightstand of my parents, Jeremy, Elena and I. A single tear fell from my eyes. "Why did you have to die?'' I asked.

I heard a now familiar crawk and looked towards my window to see the black bird there. ''Shoo!'' I said flapping my hand at it and shutting my window.

''What the hell?'' I mumbled under my breath.

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