Chapter Two

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Harley Gilbert's POV:

''I know you're here Harley...! I'm coming for you!'' His voice boomed as I ran through the endless corridors of his castle.

I was panting, tears running down my cheeks mixed with sweat, ''LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. His laughter came from every door I passed and I shut all of them desperately. I kept running, fear taking over my whole body.

''You can hide...but you can't run!'' He taunted laughing with that booming voice of his.

''Please leave me alone!'' I screamed.

''Why?'' I heard and then I saw him beside me. I screamed and was about to start running back from where I had come from but he was faster and grabbed me by my wrist. '

"P-please. J-just let m-me go'' I pleaded.

He laughed and then slapped me straight across my face I winced. ''P-please''.

He punched me on the stomach. "AHHH!!'' I screamed. ''Let me g-go!''

''Why should I? You're plenty fun...'' He muttered as he took out a knife from his pocket.

I stiffened, "Oh my wouldn't''. I stamered.

'''Wanna test me?'' he asked. Then, he lifted his hand up and sliced me across my arm. I screamed in pain. He laughed and kept torturing me with the knife. When I was about to die he took a gun out of his pocket.

''N-no'' I coughed out. He pointed the gun at me and-

''NO!" I sat up in my bed panting. Running a shaky hand through my hair I sighed, he always hunted me, went everywhere I went. My eyes rimmed with tears as memories flashed by my mind. I looked at my alarm clock and noticed it was actually almost time to get ready, 6:30AM.

I stood up but my knees gave in from underneath me as I fell to the ground. I winced and dragged my body towards the wall, I then stood up, holding the wall all the way until I got to my bathroom.  I drenched my face with cold water and started looking for my pills.

After a couple of minutes of searching I didn't find any pills...but I found a knife. I grabbed the knife and, with shakty hand put it in front of my chest. A crawk made me drop the knife and I turned to the bathroom window to see the same black bird of yesterday. ''SHOO! Get away!'' I screamed at it closing the small dark purple curtains.

I took a deep breath and picked the knife back up, but this time I sliced my wrist with it. I gasped as the blood trickled down my wrist to the sink. I heard something from outside, it sounded like growling. I shrugged and was about to turn the faucet on to wash my wrist when the bathroom door opened revealing Elena there.

''Harley what are you-Oh my gosh is that blood?! Harley what did you do? Jeremy! WAKE UP! Bring the Emergencies Box! Harley what the hell did you do?'' Elena asked as she saw my bloody wrist.

''I was looking for my pills and this knife fell on my wrist'' I lied.

''What's wrong Elena?'' Jeremy asked as he came in with a red box. His gaze landed on me, ''Why are you cut Harley?'' He asked cautiously.

''She was looking for her pills and then that knife fell on her'' Elena explained as she put some alcohol over my wrist, I winced as it burned. ''You have to be more careful Harley'' she said shaking her head while puting on a bandage and then a sweatband over it.

I nodded, "Mhm'' Just as I did I felt myself go light-headed and I almost fell to the ground but Jeremy caught me.

''You ok Lee?'' he asked.

Yes, I am Elena Gilbert's Long Lost Fraternal TwinWhere stories live. Discover now