Chapter Nine

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Sorry for the name thing!! From now on it's Elijah, sorry! :D

Harley Gilbert's POV:

I woke up slowly, my neck numb. I groaned and stood up staring at my reflection in the mirror. I saw a wound on my neck and the past events came rushing back.

Klaus bit me.

He's a vampire.

Stefan and Damon are vampires.

And Katherine, who is a vampire, looks exactly like me.

I took in a shaky breath and took a quick shower. I then put a small bandage on my wound and changed into a flower printed high skirt and a simple red tank-top. I sighed and let my hair fall down my shoulders and went went downstairs.

I heard some talking and I saw Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie...Stefan and Damon. They all looked up as soon as they saw me come down the stairs and there was an awkward silence before Damon spoke up.

''Hello Harley. How are you's your bite?'' He said smirking.

I frowned and looked at Elena, ''Why didn't you tell me?'' I asked her, my eyes watering.

''Harley I--'' Elena started before I interrupted her.

''YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO DIE! You c-could've told m-me a-about the vampires...'' I said, my voice cracking. ''And n-now I'm going t-to die...I-I'm too young to d-die, Elena, I CAN'T DIE!" I screamed as I fell to the ground and broke down.

''I'm sorry Harley! I really am! I am so sorry but I didn't tell you because I was afraid that THIS would happen! I promised, that I would tell you someday...I didn't expect this to happen'' Elena said.

I scoffed and looked at Stefan, ''And you. I thought I could trust YOU at least. I thought, that maybe after the moment that we had, I would be able to trust you!'' I hissed then I switched to Bonnie, ''Bonnie? You knew this was going on...?'' I asked. She looked at me sadly and nodded slowly, ''You from everybody should've known this was going to happen! Or doesn't your STUPID prediction work when you want it to?! Damn! Some kind of witch you are!'' I hissed at her.

I turned my watery eyes to Jeremy, ''I'm guessing you knew also, Jer?'' I asked. He nodded, ''ALL of you knew I was going to DIE! And you know what you did?! Sit back and watch the show! Is this what it really was for you?! A SHOW?! Do you want me to bring you some popcorn?! Or no, maybe I should give all of you my blood huh?! You think you'll like that? I BET you sure as hell would!

''I mean, I'm pretty sure the suspense is KILLING you guys but of course! Let's tell her when she's burried deep inside the soil! Let's tell her ALL about this when she dies! And you know what...?!" I screamed taking a deep breath,''I know I'll die, I'm actually GLAD that I'm going to die! I'd rather have NOTHING than be with you guys! I'd rather be DEAD, or have Klaus torture me NONSTOP than have you LIE to me!'' I finished.

Everyone stood there, stunned, their eyes were wide, some even watery. ''I thought...'' I continued remembering when I had been kidnapped, ''That when I came back, everything would be perfect. I thought that NOTHING could be worse than a guy you don't even know beat you up constantly! I thought that NOTHING could be worse than being abused! But now I know that it could get why is it worth living? I won't accomplish anything knowing that my life will soon be over. Which is why...I will hand myself over to Klaus. And NONE of you will come looking for me. You hear me? DON'T come looking for me'' I hissed.

I stood up and pushed Elena to the side who was standing next to the door and left for Klaus.

''Harley, what are you doing here?'' Klaus asked as I walked through the door.

Yes, I am Elena Gilbert's Long Lost Fraternal TwinWhere stories live. Discover now