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I headed to the airport when I heard my name being called, at first I ignored it it should be some fans who follow me around and know my every move, I am currently going to New York to meet with Wes and talk about the next movie. I kept ignoring it until the voice came closer and closer and it finally registered to my brain it was Caroline so I turned around immediately, she stopped right in  front of me and her breathing showed that she has been running maybe even speeding to get here in time.

" Tell me what's wrong" I said looking at her expression

" I love you"

It took a while for me to understand what she meant so I guess I was looking at her with a confumed expression.

" I love you Dylan O'Brien. I realized it when you left, at that point I finally realized that I have loved you since we were children. And I know I should have said it earlier, like 4 years ago maybe even sooner but could I risk our friendship. So now it's too late because you can never love me back since you already love someone else" her final word sounded bitter with a hint of sadness maybe. I was expressionless because it's the second time I've seen her shed a tear I didn't know what to say we have been through so much together I had no words, she was my first love and you hardly forget something like that but what can I do?

Since I didn't say anything for the next five minutes she turned around with her head down and walked away from me. I sighed and walked towards my flight because I could miss this one. I think she would understand.

I sat down and got comfortable, I made sure that I had everything I needed my pillow, phone, earphones, clothes once I made sure I had them I started listening to music. and at some point I must have fallen asleep.

I saw her her ombre pink hair she was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, she never put on something shorter when she got out, sometimes when she wasn't bored she would straiten her hair. They were messy and she squinted because of the sun, sometimes I still wonder if she really graduated from college with those hair, she looks like a trouble maker from miles away.

" Come on we'll miss the show" she started pulling me towards a beach where there was loud music playing I smiled while rolling my eyes she always loved going to concerts even if it was the group she hated she would go just for the experience and, of course, she was always dragging me with her. I'm not complaining seeing her happy made me happy.

I was shaken awake by one of the flight attendants telling me that we're in New York I got up and got out and  headed for a cab. I got in and turned on my phone, I found a missed call from my sister so I called her with my heart pounding out of my chest.

" Hey Dylan" she said, she never addresses me with my entire name unless she wants to tell me something that's going to hurt me.

" Did you see Caroline today?" she asked I was still silent since I was processing the whole thing.

" Dylan she was in a car accident, they just brought her in I got a call from her brother" she continued and I put my hand over my mouth so as to prevent any gasp, I slowly put the phone away from my ear and ended the call, I think my sister will understand.

The rest of the day I wasn't there I kept replaying the day's events on my head, did she do it on purpose I texted my sister telling her to let me know as soon as they know anything.

I kept thinking about her, she might as well be dead or even worse in a coma they say people can understand you when they're in a coma, maybe she will never be able to walk again in her life is this my fault because I didn't answer her question or because I didn't run for her?

The meeting was done and thank god I had asked Kaya to keep notes for me by using the excuse that I'm tired.

" Hey Dyl, Julia has fallen asleep so I thought I'd call you, they examined the territory where the accident happened, it wasn't on purpose, they say she lost control over the car, probably having some kind of flashback but thankfully she will be fine" That was her brother Nick, he was the boyfriend of my sister so that's how she found out I guess.

I went back to the hotel and fell asleep just before I fell asleep I was certain that this was going to be nothing but a peaceful sleep. 

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