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"Hey guys! I found a new spell!" I call from upstairs. All I get are groans in response. Sure, I'm not the best witch, but I certainly am the strongest.

    "Come on, I won't blow anything up this time. Please? Let's try it. It's a portal spell and I wanna use it to go to Japan for free." I argue.

     "Lux, look, you've got to start small, despite your power. But we might as well take a look since nothing we say is gonna stop you." Taika tells me. "But we're doing it outside."

     We all head to the backyard so I can preform the spell. 'The sky is such a pretty blue.' I think. A crow flies directly overhead, so I start to think of Black Butler. I hug my wand and journal tightly to my chest. Not only can I switch my journal to any type of book I desire, but it also contains a lot of my personal thoughts.

    "Alright, do the spell." Nina tells me with lack of expression. I nod, but I think of Black Butler as I do the spell.

     " 'vires spatii et temporis me trans dimensiones meo fato et sorte'!"

     A bright light surrounds us. 'It's working!' But then again, something always goes wrong when I preform a spell like this.

Crystal_Turquoise: The picture is Lux.

I do not own the picture.

Four Little Witchilings [Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now