Chapter 31

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Sebastian's P.O.V

I kick down the doors of the Trancy Manor and the 5 of us run in there.

"Ciel! You could have just knocked." Alois runs down the stairs.

"Where is Lux?" Ciel demands.

"Lux? I haven't seen her since she was back to normal from a doll." Alois states.

"He is telling the truth, master." I frown.

"Why, what is wrong with Lux?"

"She is missing. There was nothing to suggest her being kidnapped, but she would never leave her wand behind."

Claude comes in from one of the back hallways. "Michaelis. There was no need to break the front door."

I look at the wreckage of what was once the front door of the manor. 'No, the door can always be fixed.'

"Claude, go look for Lux this instant!" Alois demands.

"Yes, your highness." Claude leaves by going down the same hallway he came.

I look through the Trancy manor and find no sign of Lux, not even a hint of her soul. I return to young master and inform him.

"I should just ask the queen for assistance." The young master mumbles to himself. "She seems fond of Lux." He then speaks up. "We are leaving."

"Yes, my lord." 'Lux, where are you?'

Lux's P.O.V

I hear the metal door slam close again. But harder this time. Claude is right in front of me. "Why were they here?" 'I think he's referring to Sebastian and the others. Wait, they were here?'

My head whips to the side as Claude slaps me. "You are to speak when spoken to." I still say nothing.

"Looks like you still must learn." He sighs, as if he's disappointed in me. 'I don't care if I disappoint you. You can go die in a hole for all I care. You can die a thousand painful, slow deaths and I still wouldn't care.' I hear metal against metal, but I don't know what the object is from the sound.

I feel a sharp pain in my right forearm. I feel something trickle down it. 'Blood. He cut me. He was sharpening something.' And it continues for a while. I just bite my tongue and endure the pain.

When he finishes, he picks me up by the chains that hold me and attaches them back to the wall of what is now my cell. He leaves my cell and locks it behind him. "You will not have to go through this if you learn to behave." He tells me and then goes upstairs.

'Two demons that want me, and I already picked one. Why can't that be accepted? Everything I do, something bad has to happen. I should've just ran away the first chance I got. But would that be the right thing? I'd be protecting my friends, right? But they would miss me. I would hurt them in the end. No, I can't do that. I have to stay. I can't hurt them. We'd do anything for each other.'

Taika's P.O.V

I'm outside in the forest. Now, what am I doing the forest? Oh, nothing much, just knocking down a few trees here and there, setting every other one alight with lightning. 'Where is she? I'd have murdered Alois, but he's having Claude help find her. Which I don't like, but I'll tolerate it if it helps to find Lux faster. Ugh, author! Let me swear!'

After I feel a little bit better, I turn around to study the damage I've caused. Which is a lot. Maybe I went a bit overboard, but oh well.

"That is quite the mess you made,Taika." Sebastian says from behind me. I jump in the air and turn around.

"Approach from the front and you won't scare people."

"My apologies, but the young master is looking for you." I thank him for telling me and head back to the manor.

When I get to Ciel's study, I don't bother knocking. I open the door. "Hey Ciel." He looks up from the paperwork on his desk.

"Hello Taika." I walk over and give him a small kiss.

"What'd you need me for?" I sit on his desk.

"I was wondering, what if Lux was not kidnapped and we are simply jumping to conclusions?"

"Are you suggesting that she ran away?" My eyes widen. 'That thought wouldn't have even crossed my mind, but now that I think of it...'

"Yes." Ciel looks away, also saddened by the thought.

I shake my head. "No, she wouldn't do that. She would never. No matter what happens. She is a loyal and caring friend." 'I just can't see her running away.' "Besides, she's left her bear. She'd never do that."

"Why would she not?"

"It was a gift. A very important gift."

"From who?"

"Her late grandfather. She, well, it's complicated. All of our pasts are. It's not something we really talk about."

"I see."

"Something didn't feel right when we were in that brat's manor, though."

"Sebastian mentioned the same thing to me as well. I felt something off, too."

"But the idiot wasn't lying, according to Sebastian."

"Trancy was not lying. I have a feeling Lux is there, but Trancy does not know about it." Ciel turns back to me. "Are you four able to use magic without your wands?"

"Yeah, but then we have to rely on conditions. The worse the conditions, the weaker our magic. Our wands help us in cases such as those."

"Could Lux have escaped without the need of her wand?"

"If the conditions allow it. But she probably couldn't have anyway."

"Why is that?"

"There's a reason why she carries her journal around. If you haven't noticed, one of the reasons she can get into trouble so much is because of her short attention span. And her memory isn't too good either. She remembers a few spells, but probably not one that can get her out of wherever she is right now."

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