Chapter 11

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Lux's P.O.V

"And tonight's crown jewel! We will start the bidding at 10,000!" I hear a voice announce. 'Stupid viscount.' The price continues to rise until it reaches 250,000. I'm strapped to a table with ropes. 'Wait, why can't I see? Nevermind that, I'm guessing that the highest bidder removes the heart from the victim when he, or she I guess, is done with her. Or does it here and now. Probably the latter. Vile humans.'

"Have a look at her magnificent eyes! She is as innocent as a rabbit and has beautiful voice! The current bid is 250,000!" The viscount shouts out. 'I'm guessing I'm blindfolded.' And I was right. Someone removes the blindfold and I can see.

The bid continues to rise. 'Gotta get out of these ropes.' I form a small fire to burn the ropes. Once the ropes become thin enough, I rip them apart. The bid is currently 475,000.

'Why don't they just get off their lazy butts and get a girlfriend through good deeds like kindness and honesty?' "Hey." I call out. The bidding stops and everyone looks at me.

"I'm done with this. I'm nobody's puppet and never will be. If anything, I'm the puppeteer." I use telekinesis to blow the table apart. I give them a sadistic smile and use one of my favorite spells.

" 'Carmine feliciumque dolor et turpis vera , quæ data est in pueris placidos mendacium . Conuertere igitur omnia habuerint ut misereantur eis nunc , et finem spectaculum arcu'! Turn on each other, fight every and another. Show the cruel intentions of thee, and show no humanity! " My voice sounds different and my eyes begin to glow.

Everyone in the room begins to fight, reflecting their dark hearts. One of them is fighting exceptionally well. 'I'm the puppet master now and you are all my marionettes.' My sadistic smile returns.

"It seems you have control of the situation, Lux." I hear Sebastian say.

"I sure do. We should leave before Scotland Yard arrives."

"The carriage awaits."

Timeskip brought to you by me messing up this chapter and having to rewrite it.

Ciel's P.O.V

'What is taking Sebastian so long to retrieve Lux. I have work to do. And I would like to chat with Taika when we get back.' The door opens and Lux enters. The carriage begins to move.

"Lux, are you alright? I'm terribly sorry for what has happened tonight."

"Hm, I'm fine. And don't be. You had no control over the situation. If anything, I should be apologizing. I broke the one rule you gave me." She tells me. And then smiles.

'How can she say that when her life was at stake from that fatal error in the plan? And then apologize? She wasn't even the reason that the problem occurred. If only we had kept a closer eye on her.' I direct my attention to her when she breaks out in a violent coughing fit. "Lux!"

The carriage comes to a halt and Sebastian opens the door. "Young master, we have- Lux!"

"Don't just stand there, do something!" I order.

"Yes, my lord." He picks up Lux and takes her to the manor with demon speed.

I attempt to race after them, but trip on the dress. 'Stupid dress.'

"Ciel, what happened?" Taika asks me as she helps me up.

"Long story." I run the direction Sebastian went and Taika follows. We end up in the manor infirmary. Taika bursts through the doors and Kim and Nina appear a minute later. I walk into the room and see Taika and Sebastian standing by Lux, who is sitting in one of the beds.

Lux's breathing is heavy, but the coughing has stopped. "I'm fine. Don't worry. But thank you." She then announces that she is going to retire for the night.

"Mey-Rin has put a selection of nightgowns in the drawers in your room." Sebastian informs her. She simply nods and walks away.

Taika'S P.O.V

When Lux leaves, I snap. "Why the heck did you allow her to go with? Why didn't you just wait 'til tomorrow to dance with her? You know what the viscount is like!" I yell, mostly directed towards Sebastian.

Drops of water begin to trickle from the ceiling and my eyes begin to glow. Sebastian's eyes flash. "Don't you even think about going all demon on me. I'll take you out in a heartbeat!" The trickling water turns to rain.

"Taika, calm down. It won't help if you start to do anything you'll regret later." Kim tells me.

I take a deep breath and the rain ceases. "You're right." I turn to face Ciel. "Now would be a good time to explain what happened."

Ciel leads us to his study and starts to explain up to the point where he sent Sebastian to look for Lux. Sebastian tells the story from that point.

"She uses that spell when there's a lot of people. It's the one of the most efficient ways to take the enemies down. We generally use it when we don't want to leave behind a trace, since the victims of the spell forget what happened." I explain.

"How can she act as if nothing ever happened? She was almost killed!" Ciel asks.

"It's forgive and forget for her. She doesn't hold grudges."

Lux's P.O.V

I hear Taika begin yelling the minute I leave the room. I race down the halls and don't stop until I reach my room. Tears threaten to fall, but I wipe them away before they do. 'I'm not allowed to cry anymore. It doesn't change anything.' I dig my nails into my fists.

'Why does there always have to be fighting? I knew of the possible consequences when I agreed. So why is she blaming them. It's my fault, like always.' I shake my head.

I open my backpack and grab my journal and begin writing. I don't stop until midnight. 'I should go to bed.' I set my journal on the nightstand and grab a nightgown. Once I change, I blow out the candles and slip into bed. For once, I fall asleep with no trouble.


Crystal_Turquoise: I forgot to mention that the video in the last chapter isn't mine.

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