Chapter 16

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Kim's P.O.V

I walk through the garden, unsure of what else to do. Lux has been asleep for 2 days now. Sebastian told us to prepare for the worst, just in case. 'Wait, I'm an idiot. Why didn't I think of it sooner.'

I run to the infirmary as fast as my legs can carry me. 'I specialize in nature. Healing is natural. I should be able to speed up the process, if there is still one for Lux. If not, then I should be able to at least restore her strength.

I take my wand and a spell book out of my backpack once I reach the infirmary and flip through the spell book. "Here it is. 'Folia et flores habent curationum quam veneno pollutum. Ignis solis naturae viribus . Cito proferte stolam renovationis atque sana animam unius ignem'." My eyes glow and I point my wand at Lux. A golden light surrounds her. The golden light fades once the spell is complete.

'Please work. Please please please work.' I can't stand it. I didn't know how much I'd miss Lux's failures and stupid actions. Until now.

Sebastian enters the room, along with Nina. "Kim, what are you doing?" Nina asks me, alarmed.

"I'm using a healing spell. What else would I be doing." I shrug.

"How'd you find one to use on her? I could only find minor ones and I've been searching for days." Nina says, astounded that I was able to find one so easily. I just hand her the spell book. She takes it and flips through the pages.

I look back at Lux and see Sebastian by her side. 'Sebastian must really care for her. Wait, what am I saying? Demons can't feel love.'

Sebastian's P.O.V

I sat by Lux while Kim and Nina start discussing spells. 'What exactly am I feeling?' After all, demons don't fall in love. 'Or do we?'

Lux shifts, and our attention turns to her. Her eyes slowly open. She turns to look at me. "Sebastian?" Her voice cracks. I hand her a glass of water I had brought up.

"Lux!" Kim and Nina cry and run toward her. They gently hug her in fear that they would hurt her.

"How long was I asleep?" I take the now empty glass away from her.

"2 days" Kim responds. "And it would've been longer, but I got sick of waiting and everyone was worried to death."

"Is Taika alright?"

"Yeah, Ciel's been spending time with her." Nina Informs her.

"Lux, would you like me to carry you to your room?" I offer.

"I-I can walk." She looks down. I chuckle and pick her up anyway. "Wha- Sebastian!"

Lux's P.O.V

Sebastian had carried me to my room, despite me saying that I can walk. I could tell without looking that the cut had healed dramatically and that there was only a thin pink line left, to mark what had happened.

"Sebastian, what happened to Lizzy?" I ask him once he sets me down on my bed.

"The young master had banned her from the manor and said that she would take punishment from the queen if she were to ever step foot on Phantomhive property again. Marquis and Marchioness Midford have wished for your well-being and have apologized for their daughter's actions." He explains.

"Why are they apologizing? Lizzy was the one who should've. And don't you dare apologize for not getting there fast enough." I tell him. He just looks at me, shocked. "And can you tell Taika that I wanna see her?"

Sebastian regains his composure. "Right away, Lux."

I reach under my bed and pull out my backpack and bear. I set both to the side and grab my journal on my nightstand and begin to write. After a while, the door opens and Taika comes in the room. I set aside my journal as she pulls up a chair next to the bed.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Of course I am. How have you been doing while I was sleeping?"

"Well, I've been spending time with Ciel." She answers. A slight blush appears on her face.


"He... kissed me." Her blush increases.

"AAWWWW!" I squeal. But not loud enough to alert anyone. Just so Taika could hear.

She blushes even more. "Oh come on. I bet Sebastian's kissed you by now."

"Actually, he hasn't." I state.

"Are you serious? He was probably more worried than all of us combined."

'Sebastian worried about me that much? Am I really that important to him? The demon who could win over any girl's heart?'

Taika changes the topic. "Anyway, Sebastian said something about you waking up. What exactly made you wake up?"

"Kim used a spell."

"What? Nina had been looking nonstop for a spell to heal you. She spent day and night looking through every spell book she had and even some of mine."

"It would make more sense for Kim to be in possession of that kind of spell. She does specialize in nature, after all."

"True. Well, I'm gonna let you get some more rest. Later." She says and leaves the room.

'I made everyone worry so much. Great. I've caused so much trouble. I mean, what kind of girl messes up a spell, ends up in their favorite anime, and almost dies in it. Honestly. None of them would even be in the anime to start with.'


Crystal_Turquoise: I IS BACH!!!

My dog stole my bed... O.O

This is probably a really bad chapter, but oh well... I needed something to happen, despite how cheesy it sounds.

Not really much to say. I didn't do much today.

So just do me a favor...














; )












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