Chapter 3

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Lux's P.O.V

    My eyes flutter open and I see the one and only Sebastian Michaelis hovering above me. I jolt up quickly to a sitting position as I see Ciel Phantomhive himself come out of his carriage.

     "Sebastian! I asked you why we have stopped!" He demands, his voice hard and cold.

     "If I didn't, we would have run over Miss..." He trails off, realizing he doesn't know my name.

     "Lux." I manage to get out. I feel my throat tickle and a nasty cough comes out. I cover it the best I can with my elbow. 'Not this, not now! Why does it have to be now?'

     I feel some sort of heavy cloth cover my head and realize that it's Sebastian's overcoat. My coughing finally comes to a halt. I try to regain my breath as I stand up, but I slip and fall back down.

     "Seeing as you are not in good condition, I shall take you home. Where do you four live?" Ciel offers.

     "Well, we actually have nowhere to go." Kim informs him.

     "I see, then why don't you all stay at my manor?"

     "Are you sure?" Taika's eyes widen. Did I mention she was a fangirl of Ciel?

     "Yes. Sebastian."

     "Yes, my lord." He picks me up and sets me in the carriage. Taika, Kim, and Nina follow me. Ciel is the last one to climb in. He taps his cane on the roof of the carriage, signaling that everyone's ready.

     I realize that my journal and wand are still in sight so I slide my wand into my boot and check to make sure my journal wasn't damaged. There wasn't a single speck of water on my journal nor was it torn, luckily.

     Each side of the carriage is large enough to hold 3 people. So I am sitting next to Nina, who was in the middle of Kim and me. Taika is sitting next to Ciel.

     "Well, I should introduce myself. I am Lord Ciel Phantomhive, head of the Phantomhive family."

     "I'm Taika."

     "I'm Nina."

     "I'm Kimberlee, but just call me Kim."

     "My name is Lux. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Phantomhive."

     "Call me Ciel. Might I ask why you four were roaming the streets at this hour?"

     I try to think of a good excuse, but my mind is hazy. Thank goodness Taika comes up with one. "We're visiting from the States and we'd forgot to book a place to stay at so we were looking around for an inn."

     'That's a pretty good excuse' I turn my attention to my journal and start to write.

     "That explains your lack of accents. Miss Lux, what are you doing?"

     I jump, still a bit on edge. "I-it's my journal. I'm w-writing in it." Yeah, speech isn't a strong suit of mine. I end up stuttering half the time.

    "I see. What do you normally write in your journal?"

    I look back down at my journal to avoid eye contact. "Whatever I d-decide to write."

    I look back up at him and see him frown slightly, making me jerk my head back down to my journal. 'I really don't want him to ask to see it. It's private and I don't even let my friends look in it.'

    The carriage comes to a halt and the door opens. Sebastian appears in the doorway. "We have arrived at the manor."


Crystal_Turquoise: The picture above is Nina. I do not own the picture.

I had to go back and fix the pictures in the previous chapter. I somehow messed the pictures up, while thinking about who's who. I'm thinking 'alright, this one's Taika and this one's Nina' and then I go and mess up the pictures. So, yeah... Hehe...






I'm rewatching Book of Circus as I'm typing this author's note.











; )








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