Chapter 27

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Taika P.O.V

I wander through the halls of the manor, unsure of what else to do. 'It's been peaceful since Lux returned back to normal. Though I wonder how tonight will turn out.'


"Why'd you call us to your study, Ciel?" Lux asks, quite curious to know what's happened this time.

"Nothing is wrong. The Queen sent us an invitation." He hands the invite to Lux and we look over her shoulder.

                     My dear boy,

                                   I hope things have gotten better. Fortunately, this letter is not about any crimes.

                                   I am hosting a ball at the palace and would like you to attend, along with your guests. After all, even you have to have a break every once in awhile. I certainly expect to see you there.


                                                                                                                                         Queen Victoria

"The queen wants us to join?" Nina exclaims. 'I know how you feel.'

"When is it?" Lux asks.

"In three days, at 8:00pm. Do you four want to go?" Ciel responded.

We each look at each other and somehow know what we want to do. "Yes, we would very much." Lux replies for the four of us.

=Flashback end=

Now it's the day before the ball. Ciel had asked me yesterday if I'd like to accompany him. In other words, be his date. Of course I said yes, after mentally fangirling obviously. 'I wonder if Lux has gotten asked by Sebastian to go. I wonder if I should go-'

The window shatters. My eyes glow and I put a shield up to protect me from the glass.

"OH BASSY!!!" Grell sings. 'Great, not him.'

I lower the shield and the glow fades from my eyes. "Lemme guess, you're here for Sebastian."

"Of course!" Then he dashes through the hall.

'Fantastic. Now for this mess.'

Lux's P.O.V

I was once again strolling through the halls of the manor. 'Peace and quiet. Absolute serenity. That's gotta be hard to achieve inside of this manor.' Well, for the time being.

"SEBAS-CHAN!!!" Grell screams from behind me. 'If he comes any closer...' Yeah, it was one of those 'I'm not gonna tolerate this' moments.

He continues to get closer. Right when he's about to turn the corner, my eyes glow and I put up an ice wall. He runs right into the ice wall, which now has a crack in the middle stretching out like a spider's web.

"Eh, that hurt!" He whines. 'I didn't mean for it to be that strong.' I shatter the ice and my eyes cease glowing.

"Then you should watch where you're going next time." I tell him.

He turns to me the moment he hears my voice. "Lux!" He runs over and hugs me.

"Hey Grell." This I can put up with. Grell hasn't seen me as a living being since I fought him and Will. I guess a hug isn't too bad, compared to anything else that could've happened.

"Lux, what is all of that noise?" Sebastian turns the corner and sees Grell clinging to me.

"Hey Sebastian. Grell came for a visit." I say.

"I see. Grell, why are you here?"

"I came to see you, of course!" He lets go of me and jumps towards Sebastian, who sidesteps and lets Grell face plant on the floor.

"Lux, are you alright?" Sebastian walks over to me and continues to ignore Grell.


"How dare you ignore me! I color you red!" Grell readies his chainsaw and brings it over his head, ready to land a blow. Sebastian turns around and catches the chainsaw between the palms of his hands.

"I advise you not to do that again." Sebastian told Grell in a warning tone. Soon a full out battle breaks out between Grell and Sebastian. I sigh and shake my head.

Ciel eventually comes to see what all of the noise is. Then Taika. Then Kim, Then Nina.

"How long is this gonna go on?" Kim asks.

"Probably either until Sebastian gets ahold of Grell's chainsaw or Will comes along to get Grell for slacking off. Probably the latter." I answer.

As if on cue, another window is smashed and Will leaps through, along with Ronald. "Grell! There you are! No wonder I have so much overtime." He stabs Grell in the back of the head, then picks Grell up with his hedge clippers.

"Ah, I haven't seen you four before." Ronald adjusts his glasses. "Name's Ronald."

"I'm Taika."

"Kimberlee, but call me Kim."

"Hey, I'm Nina."

"Hello, my name's Lux. Nice to meet you Ronald."

He walks up to me. "The pleasure's all mine." He takes my hand and kisses it. I can feel multiple waves of jealousy emit from Sebastian. Ronald releases my hand and then he leaves with Will and Grell.

I walk over to Sebastian and jump on his back. "Come on, do you really need to be jealous over him?" I bumped him in the head with my hand. "I wanna do something."

Taika sighs and shakes her head. "You might wanna keep her entertained if you want this manor to be standing by the end of the day." I nod in agreement and smile innocently.

Claude's P.O.V

Everything is almost complete. Now all that's left is to capture her.

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