Not a Part of the Story... But YOLO!!!

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Crystal_Turquoise: SURPRISE!!! I generally appear at the end of the chapter, but I'm here now to inform you that this chapter has nothing to do with the story line.

So... I was reading a book that was about annoying Ciel and then BAM!!!- this chapter came.



Lux's P.O.V

I look outside of Ciel's room to make sure no one'll see me leave. I open the door completely, exit Ciel's room, close the door carefully, and tiptoe through the hall back to my room. I throw open my door, which makes a loud bang as it collides with the wall, and jump onto the bed and grab a conveniently placed book on my nightstand. The door closes itself due the the force I used to throw it open.

"Lux, may I come in?" Sebastian asks though the door.

"Sure." He opens the door and I jump off of my bed to greet him with a kiss.

"Now then Lux, what was that bang?"

I give him an innocent look. "What bang?"

He gives me a confused look. "The bang that came from your room."

"I didn't hear a bang."

Taika sticks her head through the doorway. "Hey, have any of you seen Ciel?"

"He insisted that he bathe himself tonight. However, he did not give me a reason." Sebastian responds.

'Well, it certainly isn't because I was teasing him earlier.' I sarcastically tell myself in my head. I was bored. Sue me.

"I guess I'll wait. Thanks for the info." Taika then leaves.

" Alright Lux, what was that-" Sebastian didn't get to finish his question.

"LLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXX!!!" Ciel's scream echoes through the manor.

"Well it was nice talking to you! Gotta run!" I race out of my room before Sebastian can ask anymore questions.

As I'm running through the halls of the manor, I get stopped by Nina and Kim.

"Hey, why's Ciel looking for you?" Nina asks.

"And why's his-" Kim didn't get to finish.

"LUX! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Ciel gestures to his now... PINK... hair.

I try, and fail, to hide my laughter. "Just 'cause."

I start running again. I hear Ciel shout behind me.


'Oh shoot.' I pick up the pace. I turn my head to look behind me and see Sebastian gaining. Fast.

I focus on the path in front of me, but before I do that, I run into a door. Sebastian picks me up, bridal-style.

"Lux, are you okay?" Sebastian looks at me with concern.

"Yep." I try to get out of Sebastian's hold, but his grip is tight. Ciel walks around the corner.

"Lux, can you explain this?" He points to his pink hair.

"Oh, that? Well, I was going through my backpack and found a tub of pink hair dye. I've had this planned since yesterday."

Taika comes out of the door I ran into. "Hey, what's-wait... what the? Ciel?" Hey mouth drops and her eyes widen in shock. I break into a fit of laughter. "Lux..." she says in a 'what did you do now' tone.

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