Chapter 19

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Sebastian's P.O.V

'Where did Lux go now? I should have watched her more carefully.' I quickly walk around other passerbys, searching for Lux. The young master and Lord Trancy are currently at the crime scene while Claude and I are out searching for Lux.

'I have to find her first.' I walk into an alleyway and look around to make sure no one is watching. I leap onto a roof. 'It will be easier to look from above.'

I jump across rooftops, looking at sidewalks and alleys, hoping Lux will show up. 'Why am I this worried about her? I wasn't even ordered to search for her. I ran off before the young master could give me an order.'

"So, Soma, what were you doing out here anyhow? I certainly wouldn't expect anyone of royalty to be walking around these parts of the city." I hear a familiar voice say. 'Lux!' I jump off the rooftop onto the ground behind Lux, Prince Soma, and Agni.

"There you are, Lux. We have been looking everywhere for you."

Lux turns around, eyes wide, and runs to me. She wraps her arms around me tightly. I just stand there, unsure of what to do. After a bit, I hug her back. 'What am I feeling?'

Lux's P.O.V

"There you are Lux. We have been looking everywhere for you." 'Sebastian?'

I turn around, my eyes wide. 'Sebastian found me!' I run up to him and hug him. He tenses up, as if he's unsure what to do, but eventually he hugs me back. 'Gosh, I hate being lost. I always think that I'll be lost forever. And that no one'll look for me. They're stupid thoughts, but I can't stop thinking about them.''

Sebastian pulls away after a while. "We should join the others now." He then picks me up, bridal-style. I look over at Soma and Agni.

"Thank you." I tell them. And then we start to head back to Ciel, Alois, and Claude.

"So, Lux, how did you get separated from us anyhow?" Sebastian asks me as we're heading back.

"I got distracted. I was looking at a stuffed animal and then you all were gone." I admit. I hear Sebastian chuckle.

"Well, you should ask the next time you want to go look at something."

We arrive at the crime scene, where Ciel, Alois, and Claude are waiting.

"There you are. What took you so long, Sebastian?" Ciel asks, obviously annoyed.

"I apologize, my lord." Sebastian bows.

"I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have gotten distracted." I look down at the ground.

"It's alright, Lux!" Alois skips over to me and hugs me.

"Trancy, let Lux go. We have a crime scene to inspect." Ciel says and starts to walk off. Alois lets me go and we follow.

The crime scene reminds me of the last one, but not as much blood. The body had been removed earlier so that it could be inspected more.

Sebastian pulls out some files and begins to read them out loud. "Count Aaron Robinson. Age 23. Betrothed to Viscountess Samantha Evans."

'Stabbed through the heart. Doesn't matter if they were already dead from a previous attack or not.' "Hey, were all of the victims betrothed?" I ask him. Alois and Ciel look at me, their faces showing confusion.

"Indeed they were, Lux. What made you think that?" Ciel responds.

"Well, despite whether they were dead or not, the victim was stabbed through the heart. It only makes sense for it to mean something. And what else could it possibly mean but love?" I explain. Ciel nods, seeing where I was going with this.

"Sebastian, prepare a list of suspects whose engagements were broken off." Ciel orders.

"Claude, assist him." Alois orders as well.

Sebastian and Claude reply at the same time.

"Yes, my lord."

"Yes, your highness."

??? P.O.V

'That foul demon. There's still time left. Luckily, that girl decided that she wanted revenge. And in exchange, I could have her.'

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