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Lux's P.O.V

I open my backpack to get something. When I do, I see a note.

                  Dear Lux,

                                I know you will be back in your world when you read this. I want you to know that I left you the dress I had made for you when the young master was hosting a ball.

                                I will see you soon, my love.


I reach into my bag and picture the dress in my head. I feel the fabric of the dress and remove it from my backpack.

"See you soon. Sebastian." And I cry while hugging the dress.



I really hope you've enjoyed this story. I definitely know that I've enjoyed writing it.

Now, don't feel sad that it's over...

Ciel: What do you mean by that?

Crystal_Turquoise: ... FOR A SEQUEL SHALL COME OUT MONDAY!!!

Ciel: You mean I have to go through all of these ridiculous A/N's and put up with more chapters? I am a noble. The Queen's Guard Dog. I have important matters to attend to.

Crystal_Turquoise: And yet, you didn't say anything about that earlier? Obviously you don't, or you'd be leaving now.

Ciel: ...

Crystal_Turquoise: SEBASTIAN!!!

Sebastian: Yes, T?

Crystal_Turquoise: Can you do me a favor?

Ciel: Oh dear...

Sebastian: Anything for you, T.

Crystal_Turquoise: I'm holding you against that. I need you to dress Ciel exactly how he was when he had to attend the Viscount's party as a girl. And put him through the same lessons.

Ciel: Sebastian! I-

Crystal_Turquoise: And don't forget what you said: 'Anything for you, T'. 

Sebastian: Very well then. Let us go, young master.

Ciel: I REFUSE!!!

*Sebastian picks Ciel up and takes him out of the room while Ciel is protesting*

Crystal_Turquoise: Well then, I just have to ask two favors of you, reader...









I will announce the title of the sequel tomorrow. Once I officially publish the sequel, please check it out...








































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