Chapter 28

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Lux's P.O.V

I shift around in my bed, unable to sleep. 'It's been like that for the past 9 days. 9 days since I've been a doll. 'Maybe it's 'cause I'm afraid? But afraid of what? Angela, er Ash, whatever, can't come after me. I watched them die before my eyes. I killed them. I'm safe.' I tell myself. 'Maybe something to drink will help.'

I throw the covers off of me and step out of bed. I put on some socks, knowing from past experience that they're the easiest things to sneak around in. I'm not doing anything bad, I just don't wanna wake everyone up.

I grab my bear and open the door carefully to avoid having it squeak, and step out into the hall and head to the kitchen. 'So far, I haven't seen anyone. See, no one's gonna hurt you. All of the bad things are gone.' I tell myself, hugging my bear tightly to my chest as I walk into the kitchen. I don't get spooked easily, but I've been through a lot lately. I need time for it to fade.

I grab a cup and fill it with water. I drink it while looking out the window. 'The sky's really pretty. It's hard to see this many stars back at home. And the moon is so bright.'

"Lux, what are you doing out of bed?" A voice asks behind me.

I jump three feet in the air and drop the cup, clutching my bear tightly. The owner of the voice catches me as the cup shatters against the ground.

"Let me go!" I panic and struggle against whoever's holding me.

"Lux, you are safe." 'Wait, that's Sebastian's voice.' I stop struggling and look at Sebastian.

"Sorry about the cup." I say, and look down at the cup's shattered pieces.

"Do not worry about that. Lux, why are you up this late?"

'I can just use my sleeping disorder as an excuse.' And yes, I have a sleeping disorder. Not bad enough to the point where I need medicine, however. 'But Sebastian will definitely see right through me.'

"I can't sleep." I say. No point in trying to hide anything.

"Why is that?"

"I guess just with everything going on lately. I keep thinking something's just going to get me."

"I will not let anything of that sort happen. I will protect you." He begins walking to my room. "The ball is tomorrow and you must sleep."

He lays me on my bed and begins to leave until I grab the end of his tailcoat. He turns around.

"C-can you stay with me? Until I fall asleep?"

"Of course." He sits at the edge of my bed. As the world around me fades, I think to myself: 'what the heck did I do to deserve a guy like him?'

Timeskip brought to you by fangirling

Lux's P.O.V

"Lux, it is time to wake up." A voice says from somewhere in the room. Sunlight brightens every corner of the room.

"Nooooo... I don't wanna..." I throw a pillow at the light source and bring the sheets over my head.

"You must get up. I have already let you sleep later than you should. It is time to prepare for the queen's ball." The sheets are ripped away from me. I groan and sit up.

"You will have lunch first, then you will return here to prepare." 'Wait, the voice is Sebastian's. Oh yeah, the queen's ball. And I slept through breakfast? Again?'

"Alright." Something is thrown at me and I fall over. 'A pillow? That's my thing!'

I grab the pillow and throw it at Sebastian. A pillow fight breaks out between us. We stop when a knock sounds at the door. The door opens to reveal Taika. "There you are. You're supposed to be joining us for lunch." She examines the room. "What happened here?"

"Sebastian threw a pillow at me!" Another pillow is thrown at me, along with a second. "Not cool, Taika."

She starts laughing. "Then get up." She leaves. Sebastian follows her after handing me a dress. I shut the door behind them. 'Everyday should be like this. The atmosphere light with fun and laughter. Smiles on everyone. Perfect.'

I quickly change into the dress, which is purple with black accents. I put on knee-high, black socks and mary-janes. I grab my wand and head to the dining hall.


Crystal_Turquoise: I can't believe how far the story has gotten. I've finished typing it already on Google Docs. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

I started this story less than a month ago. And now the ending will soon be published.

Well then, I has to go and do homework now  : P

I went through school today half asleep, in some sorta dreamlike stated. It was annoying.

So, do me one favor 'till I return...







































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