Chapter 30

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Sebastian's P.O.V

We have reached the manor. Young master and Taika have already headed inside while I am assisting Kim and Nina.

"Lux?" I ask when she doesn't come out. I look inside and find her head propped against the window, sleeping. I smile and sigh. 'she could not wait until we got to the manor?' I pick her up and carry her to her room. I take off any accessories that may hurt her in her sleep and set her in her bed. I am about to leave when she starts mumbling something.

"Please... No... After... Me... Said... Protect... Scared." 'She's only saying every other word or so. I can not make out the full statement, but it sounds like she can tell if I am here or not in her sleep. But then what about the 'after me' part?'

I walk over to her bed and sit at the edge. She stops mumbling. I lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead. 'Sweet dreams.'

Timeskip brought to you by my annoying laptops.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I am walking to the young master's room with his tea. I had just finished all other necessities, while checking on Lux in between tasks. I knock on the young master's door. 'No response.' I open the door to reveal him still sleeping.

I roll the trolley carrying the master's tea next to the nightstand and walk over and open the curtains. "It is time to wake up, young master."

He groans, but sits up. I walk over and hand him his tea. "Earl Grey." He states. "What is on my schedule for today?"

"You have a dance lesson at 10 with Lady Jennings. Mr. Ford had cancelled your history lesson today, so I shall be teaching you." I tell him as I assist him in getting dressed.

"Very well." He simply says. Once I have finished my tasks, the young master heads to the dining hall for breakfast.

I go to each of the girl's rooms to wake them up. I knock on Lux's door and receive no response. "Lux?" I open the door and find her bed empty. I walk to where she was just a few minutes ago and see her wand on the nightstand. 'She does not go anywhere without her wand.'

I examine the room more thoroughly and find no clues leading to her whereabouts. 'Claude.' "Sebastian, your shadow is becoming more... shadowy?" Kim says from behind me.

I realize then that I was about to change into my demon form if not for Kim pointing it out. "My apologies."

"Hey, have you seen Lux?"

"I believe that is something I should tell everyone. Let us head to the dining hall."

Taika's P.O.V

Kim enters the room with Sebastian behind her, pushing the trolley with our breakfast. 'But Lux isn't down here yet.' And as if Ciel read my mind:

"Sebastian, where is Lux?"

"I am afraid she is not here."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that she is not here. I had checked on her right before I went to prepare you. She was not in her room when I went to wake her. I believe she may have been kidnapped."

"And why's that?" Nina asks.

"Her wand was on her nightstand. She does not go anywhere without it."

"Anything else?" Ciel asks.

"She had also said last night at the ball that Claude was mad."

"About what?" I ask. 'Lux has no interest in Claude, whatsoever.

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