3. Remember When....

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Hey you all! Oh my gods thanks for the comments and votes!

Keep the commenting and voting and I'll post faster! :)

Here's chapter 3 because tomorrow I'm gonna be busy! 4th of July party!

By the way I'm watching Supernatural as I post this and poor Sam is hurt.

❤ Abigail ❤

I looked at the pretty blonde girl talking with the dark haired guy....Zayn I think. I sighed feeling confused and overwhelmed. How did I know so many people? I couldn't remember all their names. I remembered Matt....his name always brings a happy feeling. So did Stefan and Jason, but that's because they are my brothers. Danielle is my cousin and so is Aaron. Eleanor is....my best friend and she is dating....who is she dating?

A brown hair guy walked in. She was dating Louis! Yes and then there is Harry who always acts so protective over me since I woke up. I like him, he is very serious and kind of mysterious yet sweet and kind. I think he is dating a girl named Emma or something.....

That was as many names I can remember. The others I have to keep asking who they are. Sometimes I remember but it is hard since there are a lot. I can't wait until I get my memories or at least a small part back. I know I am hurting them by not knowing who they are. They all seem so kind and worried about me. I don't want to be a nuisance.

"Abigail you ready?" Eleanor asked as she walked over. Today she wore a pretty creme mid sleeve dress that stopped a few inches before her knee and simple brown boots. Her hair was down in pretty waves and she had small bag on her shoulder. Louis walked to stand next to her and I smiled seeing he really cared about her.

"Yeah I'm ready." I said grabbing my bag. "Where's-"

"Right here!" Stefan stepped inside the room with a smile and walked around the pretty blonde and dark hair guy. "Morning Zayn, Perrie!"

They both said hello and left the room. Stefan walked over to Eleanor, Louis and I. "The car is waiting outside. There is paparazzi all over the front door. Don't worry I told Paul and he's got security pushing them back so we can all walk out into our cars." He said.

I nodded. "I can't believe....I'm famous...." I said.

"It'll be fine." Eleanor reassured me. "Once you're home you'll feel much better. Jason and my brother are waiting there."

I smiled at the mention of those two. They always made me smile and laugh. "Let's go then." I said.

The four of us walked out of the hospital room and down the hallway. I could see the front doors and flashes outside. I can do this. Eleanor, Louis and Stefan will be next to me and won't let anything happen. I just need to relax. "Here." Louis handed me something. I looked down at it and realised they were sunglasses. Everyone had some out now. "They'll help with the flashes."

I smiled. "Thanks." I mumbled and put them on. We stopped right before the doors.

"I will be walking right in front of you." Stefan said turning to me.

"I'll be....right next to you." Eleanor said and looked and sounded nervous like me. Maybe, she probably, isn't used to the paparazzi.

"Louis and I will be behind you." Paul said.

"Okay let do this." Stefan stepped forward and the doors slid open. I followed quickly behind him and heard people yelling my name. Eleanor walked nervously next to me and I heard people yelling her name also along with many more I knew and didn't. I grabbed Eleanor's hand as we walked and she relaxed a bit and so did I. We continued walking and I could feel a headache coming.

❁Shh! I'm Abigail Blake!❁Where stories live. Discover now