7. Mommy's Home

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Here is chapter 7! Okay the ending is a little depressing. Sorry but I had to put that.

Umm so thanks for all the votes and comments!

Okay question! Do you want the old gang back?! Kellan, Josh, Britt, Evan, Eleanor? If yes comment so I can add them into the next chapter and make you all happy. I kind of do miss them too....

Hope you like this chapter and you know what to do!

"Untie me!"


"You guys!"


"You're going to take Abigail home!" Remie said crossing her arms stubbornly like a small child, if it where some other time I would laugh but considering the situation right now nothing was funny. "We don't want her going home."

"Remie I need to go home." I said trying to reason with her meanwhile looking at Matt, who was tied to a chair with rope, where the rope came from I don't know.

Remie faced me as she ordered the other three. "Tie her too!" Patricia, Devine and Carter lunged at me and less than five minutes later I was tied to a chair as well, the same as Matt.

"Remie!" I protested trying to get untied.

"You three are mental!" Matt yelled at them.

Approximately half and hour ago Matt and I decided I should head home. We had spent all day having fun but now it was late afternoon and I missed all my friends and my brothers. Remie, Patricia, Carter and Devine didn't seem to agree because when we told them they grabbed Matt and tied him up to a chair.

Now I was tied to a chair too because I had been trying to convince them to untie Matt.

"You two aren't going anywhere." Patricia said as the four of them stood in front of us holding more rope in case they needed it.

"You guys!" I protested moving in my seat as much as I could, which wasn't much since they had tied me pretty good. My chair wobbled but nothing else happened. "It's getting late and I need to get home."

"I'm calling a mental institution when I get free!" Matt yelled at them. "Annabelle and Preston will get back soon and they'll save us!"

"Shush you!" Patricia told Matt and he went quiet because she looked really scary and it didn't look like we were escaping anytime soon. "Okay now listen to us. We're going to go make some sandwiches for you to eat since you must be hungry by now, don't try any weird tricks meanwhile we're gone."

I sighed as they walked out. "Your friends are REALLY insane." I said laughing and looked at Matt who looked extremely mad.

"Yeah, they are." He said then started jumping up and down, well at least tried too, but was only able to make the chair wobble and a few seconds later his chair toppled to the side with him still tied to it.

I started laughing at him now tied to a chair that was on its side. It would be awhile before Preston and Annabelle returned from the store and the four psychos in the kitchen weren't going to let us go so we would have to wait for Pres and Anna. I looked at the clock and saw it was passed five in the afternoon.

"I seriously saw my life flash before my eyes just now." Matt said in a very serious tone and I couldn't help but laugh some more.

"You saw your life flash before your eyes when you toppled your chair but not when you jumped off a cliff?!" I asked bewildered then asked curiously. "How long do you think Pres and Anna are going to take?"

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