5. Adrenaline

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Okay first of all thanks for all the votes and comment! Cookie for everyone!

So my posting schedule for this story is I post every 5 or 6 days or once a week. I post faster when people comment or vote.

Thirteen votes on the last chapter! Thanks y'all!

So like I promised a not depression chapter and you get to see the fun side of Abigail/Faye.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

So comment something crazy or fun or somewhere you want Abigail to go. I need ideas and the more I get the faster I can write them and the faster I post and YEAH!

Video on the side of a cover Little Bird by Ed Sheeran! Skip to 1:20 for him to start singing!

Oh! One last thing! Please check out my story Bloodlines! It would really mean alot if you checked it out and told me what you thought and voted if you liked it. It's basically a Fantasy/Adventure/Action/Romance/Humorish  story and i've had this idea in my head for a very long time. So YEAH!

"Matt! Tell us where we're going!" Remie said for like the ninetieth time. "You said once we were in the car you would tell us! It's been over an hour and you still haven't!"

"We're almost there Remie will you calm down. I'm not some psycho who's going to kill you." Matt said as he drove to the unknown destination.

Remie looked back at me from her spot on the car floor leaning against the middle row seats and her legs stretched out between the passenger and driver seat. Matt had taken off the cup holder leaving enough room for someone to fit there on the floor. "What if he's driving us to the woods to kill us and leave our bodies there. I saw a movie like that once...." She whispered to Preston and I who were sitting in the middle row.

"Stop being silly Remie." Preston said looking down at his sister with a smile. "Matt isn't going to kill us."

"Then why won't he say where he's taking us?!" Remie exclaimed trowing her hands in the air which caught the attention of Patricia, Carter and Devine in the back row. They had spent the last hour playing some game they invented and from the sound of it they were having fun.

"Pres did she take her pills this morning?" Carter looked at Preston who cracked a smile and shrugged.

"I don't know, Remie did you take your pills this morning?" Preston asked his sister trying not to laugh.

"Yes! I'm not crazy you know!" Remie scowled at her brother.

"We never said you were." Carter smirked and Remie looked like she was going to pounce at him any moment.

"Children no fighting. I will make Matthew turn this car around and we will head back home." Annabelle said from the passenger seat looking back over her shoulder. "Here Remie how about you eat some cookies." She handed Remie a container with chocolate cookies.

Remie took it and started eating them completely forgetting about what Carter had said. "Annabelle's like our mom." Patricia told me leaning forward on her seat and looking at me.

"Let me guess, Matt is like your dad." I smiled and saw Matt blushing through the mirror. Patricia nodded laughing also noticing Matt's change of cheek colour.

❁Shh! I'm Abigail Blake!❁Where stories live. Discover now