12. The Story Of James And Faye

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Guess what I just spent the last three hours doing?!

Yes writing a chapter for you guys because I haven't posted in more than three weeks and I know you guys really want a update!

Go check out my story Lolly's Adventures in my other account!

Okay so when I first started writing this chapter I was going for a sad chapter ending sad and being nothing but sad but....but somewhere in the middle of writing it just sorta turned into a....Nabi chapter.

You guys better comment and vote! My fingers hurt of all the typing I did to finish this. I haven't even had. Dinner and it's 8 pm because I knew that if I stopped inspiration would just leave me and I wanted to pos this today for you guys!

If you don't like this chapter then I will be very sad.

Okay now let me fangirl! I saw This Is Us today and I was FREACKING fangirling the whole time! Ahhhh!!!!

Okay last but not least check out the cover for the first book and tell me what you think! I make a cover every time I post a chapter cause I just freackin love making them!

Okay now enjoy and tell me what you liked down in the comments.

"Matt get him off Niall!" Danielle cried.

Matt ran over and pulled Stefan off Niall, Stefan had been punching Niall on repeat meanwhile Niall tried covering his face. Matt dragged Stefan ten feet away from Niall and Danielle and I ran over to Niall who was bleeding from his nose and mouth.

"Stefan what is wrong with you?!" I yelled as Danielle and I helped Niall up from the floor.

"I told you to stay away from her! I asked you to at least give her some time before you came back into her life again Niall. Don't you think you've done enough damage to her?!" Stefan yelled glaring at Niall.

"Stefan calm down, you're acting irrationally. You knew she was going to see him eventually. They're best friends Stefan, Niall is a big part of Abigail's life wheather you like it or not. He might be the only one who can help her remember." Matt said still holding onto Stefan.

Stefan grumbled some curse words then sighed. "Let me go Matthew, I promise I won't attack Niall again." He said.

Matt looked at me and I nodded. Matthew let go of Stefan but stayed right by him in case he decided to attack Niall once again. Stefan stood up and glared at Niall.

"Your dating Emily again and you went and kissed my sister." Stefan said.

"I'm not dating her or fancy her one bit! She's just trying to get revenge because I left her to come back to London to see Abigail." Niall said. "She's out to get revenge against the band and Abigail. She wants to make us look bad and ruin our career."

"Who's Emily?" I asked turning to look at Niall.

"A bitchy snobby witch...." I heard Danielle grumbled and look rather pissed.

Niall ignored Danielle's comment and turned to look at me. "She's....she's someone who I once loved but now feel no whatsoever feelings towards her besides hate." Niall said.

"I don't believe you." Stefan's voice was filled with hatred toward Niall.

"Oh gods Stefan! Stop acting like such and arse hole and suck it up. We GET IT, you dislike Niall and want to hurt his pretty face but that's not going to happen so just shut it!" Danielle snapped.

"Well spoken Danielle." Matt said with a smile then added. "I think we should give Abigail and Niall sometime to talk. How about the three of you have a chat about life." Matt didn't wait for Stefan to answer because he was already pulling him out of the living room. Danielle gave us a smile before closing the doors, leaving Niall and I alone.

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