16. Harry's Past

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The car was filled with silence once again. I was a bit nervous about what Harry was about to tell me. Was is something bad he did? Who did I particularly remind him of?

"It happened before I met any of the guys and auditioned for the X Factor. I was young and i had a friend who I had grown up with, her name was Samantha Mills, and since I was little I knew I was in love with her. You might think my feelings weren't real but they were, I was in love with her and she was in love with me. When we were thirteen I asked Samantha out and we started dating. Our parents knew each other since before we were born and were so happy when we started going out." Harry gave me a sad smile then looked out the window at the cabin. "Everything was perfect you know, Sam and I were still together over a year later and sure we had our silly arguments but always ended up apologizing. Our relationship was doing great and we were happy together."

I knew from hearing Harry taking a deep breathe that something bad was coming. "Then on our one year and six months anniversary, which also happened to be her fifteenth birthday, we went to a party. I was fifteen already and we had told our parent we wouldn't be out for long and would come home before curfew. We danced for a bit and after a bit I went and got us drinks. When I came back Samantha was gone....I looked everywhere but couldn't find her! I asked some people if they had seen her but they were all too drunk to know their own names. I finally went to check upstairs and that's when I heard her voice...." Harry hit the steering wheel startling me and making me jump. "She was screaming for help and I ran towards the room where her voice was coming from. When I got there I was too late already...." His voice broke and he started crying.

I took my seat belt off and scooted over. I pulled Harry toward me and he cried into my shoulder. "She was....raped?" I asked already knowing his answer. Harry looked up at me and nodded, his eyes were red and he looked horrible. If fans saw him now they probably wouldn't recognize him or think it was him because of how he looked.

"The guys ran out before I could get a good look at them. Everything from that night is such a blur, I just remember calling my parents crying and telling them what had happened. Some people who had heard me had come and they had gone to ask if anyone had seen the guys who had run down the stairs. Sam cried the whole time and I hugged her...." I looked for some tissues but only found a roll of toilet paper in the back, why Harry had a roll of toilet paper? I don't know and it's not important right now. I gave him the roll of toilet paper and he blew his nose before continuing.

"She was never the same after that night....her parent took her to shrinks and doctors and they all said she might be like that forever. She was scarred for life and a few weeks later after what happened she found out she was pregnant." Harry looked at me again. "She was pregnant with one of the two guys who had raped her baby. She didn't abort though because she said it wasn't the child's fault what happened. She didn't let any guy near her besides her father and me. I told her I would help her raise the child, I would treat it like if it was mine and I didn't care that it wasn't mine. The baby was a girl and was born a month before she was suppose to but was healthy. Sam though....Sam was acting different....she would sometimes lock herself in her room and not let anyone in. Other days she would be happy like if the day before she hadn't yelled at us to leave her alone. Then one day...." Harry's voice broke.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want too." I said but Harry shook his head.

"I need to tell someone." Harry took a deep breathe. "One day her parents had to go away for the weekend and they told my parents to check on her and the baby, she was named Julie. My parents has asked me to go over to her house in the afternoon and when I got there....I knew something was wrong. I could hear Julie crying and I knew something was terribly wrong, Samantha loved Julie. If Julie was crying and Samantha wasn't already with her, soothing her, then something must been wrong. I hurried upstairs and too Julie's room, after I picked her up from her crib she fell asleep in my arms and I put her back. Then I went looking for Sam...."

"Her bedroom door was locked and I called her name and knocked waiting for her to answer. I knew she was in there and I could hear her crying, I wanted to be in there hugging her and comforting her but she wouldn't open the door. I sat against the door out in the hallway and talked to her, I told her I loved her and that I just wanted to help her. I told her not to do something she'll regret and I tried talking her into letting me in. She kept saying he couldn't and that she was a burden to everyone. She said that....I was better off without her and so was Julie....I heard her moving stuff around her room."

Harry paused and i could feel how painful it was for him to say this to me but it was also helping him by telling someone. "She walked over to the door and said ' I'm sorry. Tell my parents I'm sorry and when Julie grows up tell her I love her and I will always be looking over her. Harry I love you and because I love you and because I love Julie and my family and everyone I'm doing this. I'm nothing but a burden to all of you and I don't want to trouble you anymore. I just want to ask you to promise me something. Harry I want you to take care of Julie and tell her how much we loved each other. Tell her about all the stupid things we did and protect her from anyone trying to do her harm....I love you....' then she walked away and I pounded on the door telling her BEGGING her to open it but she didn't. I decided to break down the door and after various tries it finally opened and...." Harry let out a horribly heartbreaking sob and I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Harry....I'm so sorry." I said my voice coming out low and cracked.

"She hung herself. She had been planning it for weeks and had handwritten everyone a note. She had written dozens of letter for Julie so she could read as she grew up. By the time I managed to cut the rope and call an ambulance it was too late. She was dead...." Harry ran his hand down his face and hit the steering wheel again. "She committed suicide because she thought she was causing us all trouble. She thought nobody would care if she was gone but she was wrong."

I closed my eyes as more tears came out. I couldn't imagine what Harry had gone through. He had seen the girl he loved, yes I believe he loved her and still does, hanging from a rope lifeless. He had cut the rope and hugged her body telling her to not be dead. He had cried over the dead body of a daughter, a mother, a friend, his girlfriend.

"I blame myself, if I hadn't left her alone that night she wouldn't have been raped. If I would have taken better care of her and paid more attention to what she was doing the days before she had committed suicide I might have been able to stop her. It's all my fault! Abigail I am to blame that Julie doesn't have a mother now and doesn't remember her! It's my fault Samantha is gone and there is a grave with her name on it! IT'S ALL MY BLOODY FAULT!" He started sobbing and I cried.

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