8. Josh's Family

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"Where is he?" I asked Danielle as she walked into my room closing the door behind her.

Dani sighed walking over and sitting next to me on my bed. "Nina took him out for a bit. Stefan hasn't slept in the last two days and won't talk to anyone." Danielle looked at me with a sad smile. "Maybe you should talk to him. It might cheer him up and-"

"No. I don't think us talking will help." I said as I laid in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Look Abigail the last few months have been hard on all of us and I understand that your upset because we kept some stuff from you-"

"You're still keeping stuff from me since you haven't told me anything. I want to know everything but you guys refuse to tell me. Don't you think it would be better that I find out from you guys than from the press or someone I don't know?" I tried persuading Danielle to tell me. I was a bit desperate to know whatever they were keeping from me. Wouldn't you be if your friends knew something about you that you didn't?!

"Abigail...." Danielle whined groaning and laying next to me. "It's complicated okay. I don't know what I can tell you without making you remember things that might worsen your health."

"Danielle I need to know."

"Harry's on his way over with Emma." Danielle changed the subject and I went along with it. I would find out whatever they were keeping from me soon and I wasn't giving up.

I noticed Danielle looked different, troubled. There seemed to be something bothering her and it didn't have to do with me. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking up at my ceiling.

"Something's bothering you Danielle and I know it doesn't have to do with the usual." I said.

"I'm fine Abigail." Danielle said but I gave her a look which she must've felt because she sighed and turned to me. "It's just....Liam and I....we kind of had this argument."

"About?" I asked Danielle, she has been here for me since day one that I woke up from the accident. Now it was my turn to be here for her and listen to her problems. She was like a sister to me and I knew something was bothering her.

"Nothing...." Danielle sighed closing her eyes shut tightly. "It's nothing."

"Okay." I said but I was going to bring it back up later. "Danielle can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She said, her eyes still closed. "What's on your mind?"

Okay I've got to play this cool. "Do you know anyone named Niall?" I asked casually but I was looking at her from the corner of my eye. Her eyes opened wide and she looked nervous now.

"What?" Danielle asked.

"Do you know anyone named Niall?" I repeated the question.

"Well....I know a lot of people Abigail." Danielle said not looking at me. "I might know one or two people with that name...."

"Cool." I said then asked a second question. "Do I know anyone named Niall?"

"Abigail what's with asking about someone named Niall?" Danielle asked.

"Just curious, I've heard that name a lot lately." I said truthfully.

"Did you get another memory? What was it about?" Danielle asked concerned.

"Hey!" Harry walked into the room followed by Emma.

"Hi." Emma smiled and I smiled back.

"Hey Emma, Harry." I said. "How are you?"

❁Shh! I'm Abigail Blake!❁Where stories live. Discover now