15. Snogging & Shopping

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If you can think of a good title for this chapter I will dedicate it to you!

I haven't updated for a couple of reasons but the major one is that my mom got really sick over a week ago. She went to the doctor and they said she had some virus so nobody should get near her. To make this story short she's still sick and she went to the doctor for the third time in a week today and they told her she might not be able to work EVER again. Some of the symptoms of the virus she had might never go away and she's in a lot of pain. The medicine to help with the pain is over $300 for 15 pills and we can't really afford paying that much every two weeks for 15 pills....

Basically things are though right now but you guys want to read the chapter so forget about my problems and enjoy! :)


"I can't believe meanwhile everyone is waiting for you guys to come downstairs you two are up here snogging." The brown eyed girl giggled and Niall just groaned standing up an running his hand down his face.

"Samoan why exactly are you here?" He asked sounding incredibly annoyed.

She turned pink and looked down at her feet. "My mom and dad left me home alone again...." She said sounding hurt. "Harry told he was going on a camping trip and Louis suggested I come along! I didn't want to be home alone...."

"Your Niall's cousin right?" I asked speaking for the first time and Samoan looked up smiling.

"Yes! We might not look alike but we are totally related and he says I'm annoying but I know he thinks I'm awesome." She smirked. "So why were you snogging Niall? I thought you two weren't together. Well that's what Harold told me but then Liam said that Niall was trying to-" Suddenly Niall jumped over my bed and ran over covering her mouth. His face was pink and he just gave me a nervous smile. Samoan was laughing finding his reaction to whatever she was about to say amusing.

"Samoan why don't you head downstairs with the others." Niall took some euros out of his pocket and handed then to her. He pulled his hand off her mouth.

"See you two in a bit!" She said happily and winked at us. "Oh and you better hurry and go downstairs separated because Harry and Stefan might kill you Niall. Everyone pretty much figured out why you both haven't gone down yet!" Then she was skipping out of my room. There were a few seconds of awkward silence before I decided it was time to go back to my friends and got off the bed.

"Wait a few minutes before going downstairs." I told Niall as I picked up his shirt and threw it to him.

"Shouldn't we talk about-"

"No time." I said already walking out of my room. "Later, when our friends aren't around."

I fixed my hair in the mirror in the hallway then headed downstairs. Everyone was chatting with each other and nobody mentioned anything suggesting they knew what Niall and I had been doing.

"How you feeling?" Danielle asked me as she walked over leaving Liam talking with Harry.

"I don't know..." I said knowing she meant about my mother. "Has Stefan come down yet?"

"Yes, he's currently snogging his girlfriend in the back room." Danielle smiled and I saw it in her eyes. She was telling me she knew exactly what had been going on upstairs. "We'll talk later, whether you want to or not may I add. You've got a lot of explaining to do Abigail Faye Blake."

I nodded then asked her where Niall's cousin was. She said she hadn't seen her come downstairs since she had ran into the house and up the stairs saying something about having to use the toilet.

"Hey Abigail!" Harry walked over giving me a tight hug. He kept an arm around me as he spoke. "You still want to go camping? We could postpone it-"

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