14. Caught In The Act....

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Okay first of all it's 1:27 in the morning and I was suppose to go to sleep FIVE hours ago because I have to wake up before 4 in the morning! I finished writing this chapter in half asleep so the ending is kind of....I don't know. I tried making the moment as good as possible and I know it sucks but again it's 1:27 in the morning even though it's suppose to be 2:27 but time changed so the hour went back an hour. I SAW IT GO BACK AN HOUR!

I have head ache because of how late it is and I NEED at least two hours of sleep so enjoy!


"Oh poop!" Was the first thing out of Eleanor's mouth as we made our way out of school on Friday.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we headed to the door finally going to be free.

"Louis just called me and said he was picking me up." She let out a long sigh at the end.

"Is everything alright between you two?" I asked as we walked out feeling the warm sun on our skin. "Shouldn't you be thrilled he's picking you up? You finally get time together and to talk."

"I haven't told him about our camping plans yet." Eleanor admitted sheepishly and added. "He'll probably be disappointed that I have plans for this weekend since he probably wanted to spend it with me. He has a few days free before having to do a few more concerts."

"Why don't you invite him along?" I suggested. "Danielle is bringing Liam and Harry is coming as well. Zayn has other plans for this weekend so he won't be able to come."

"I guess I COULD ask him if he wants to come along...." She said and then was suddenly smiling at me making me regret saying that. "Is Niall coming too?"

"I don't know." I said looking away from her and spotting Evan talking to some girl. I hadn't really seen or talked to Niall since the whole kiss thing that happened almost a week ago. I really don't know what to say to him after that. What do you say to a guy who apparently was your best friend, who you might have dated but broken off with before losing your memory then made out with in your living room a few days ago?

"I'll tell Louis to invite him!" Eleanor said as she was already dialling Louis's number.

"No Eleanor don't-" But Eleanor wasn't listening to me anymore.

"Hey Louis!" Eleanor said happily. "Yeah....that's great because some of us are going on a camping trip and I was wondering if you wanted to come." There was a minute of silence as Eleanor listened to whatever Louis was saying. "Really?! We're leaving tomorrow at 4 in the morning. Oh, invited Niall as well." They spoke for a few more seconds and then she hung up putting her cell in her bag and giving me a smile.

I just shook my head at her and walked toward Evan who was standing alone now. "What?" Eleanor mumbled as she hurried after me.

"Hey Abigail!" Evan greeted me. "Ready to leave?"


"Who were you talking to just a few seconds ago to?" Eleanor asked him. I guess I wasn't the only one who had seen that.

"Nobody." Evan said as Britt and Josh came over to us. "What's up you two?"

"Josh is bummed out because his brother is coming camping with us." Britt laughed as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Adam seems cool!" Eleanor said.

"He is, when he isn't telling people embarrassing stories about me...." Josh said pouting. "Oh well, I guess it won't be that bad. Are we still meeting at your house in an hour?" He asked turning towards me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"We better head home and change then." Britt said and she and Josh left.

We heard people gasp and squealing. We all saw everyone looking at an expensive looking car which Louis got out of walking over to us. Girls gave him hungry looks but he ignored them since the only person he was looking at was Eleanor. Eleanor was turning red and when he reached us she punched him in the chest. "I though we agreed that you would honk when you got here and wait inside the car!" She scowled looking at everyone staring at her. She fidgeted obviously feeling uncomfortable with all the attention.

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