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"Babe, you realize you haven't posted on your YouTube channel in almost two months. Your fans are probably going insane. Worried and angry, too."

I frown. "I know! I only just recovered, and I know I have to make a video and apologize for not posting. But what am I supposed to say? Should I tell them the truth? That I got run over by a car and was in a coma for a month? I doubt they'll react well to that."

Tyler rolls his eyes. "Babe, let Mama take care of this. We'll do a collab. You don't have to make a big deal out of it. Just say you got in an accident and were injured, but you're all better now. Then we'll continue the video like usual."

I nod. "Okay, thanks Tilly."

"Anytime, kid. You're like a brother to me."

I grin and so does Tyler, and soon his signature cackle is ringing through the house.


"Hey what's up you guys, it's Troye Sivan, and no, you are not going crazy, I have actually not posted a video in like, two months! I know you're probably all curious, or worried or something, and I'm very sorry. I actually haven't been on any social media besides Twitter for a while, and that's because two months ago, believe it or not, I was in a pretty bad accident, and I'm alright now but there was no way I could make a video in that state.

"Anyway, I'd rather not give out all the details, sorry, but I'm not really comfortable sharing what happened with the world. Like I tweeted a while ago, there's no need to worry but I'm back and I'm okay. So I don't really want to make a big deal of this, and this video is actually a collab with the one and only....."

"ME!" Tyler laughs, diving into the image and landing next to me on the bed.

"Tyler Oakley!"

I laugh and turn to face him. "So, what are we doing today, Tyler?"

"Well, the Troyler shippers have been a little thirsty lately, so I thought we could...act out a little fanfiction."

Rolling my eyes, I grab the laptop and rest it on our laps, going on Google and just searching for "Troyler fanfiction"

"Okay, I'm just going to click on the first one and see what it is. It's called "My Only Love", and I don't actually know who it's written by...holy shit! It has like, 70 chapters!"

"You people have a lot of time on your hands," Tyler cackles as I smirk, beginning to read in a comical, over dramatic voice.

"I didn't really want to go to the gay bar, but I thought...why not?"

"Honey, honey, let me tell you something. Gay bars are a fantastic place to be. One of my favorites. Oh, keep reading!"

When we're done with reading one of the chapters, we place the camera in a different spot and begin to dramatically act out some of the scenes.

The last scene we decide to do, just to tease the fans, is a kissing scene. We sit on the bed together, trying not to laugh as our lips meet.

Just then, none other than Connor Franta walks in my apartment with two coffees in his hand. His eyes widen and we pull away as soon as we see him, but it's not quick enough.

Tyler stands up and quickly shuts off the camera as Connor begins mumbling, almost dropping the coffees.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in the middle of...something...um...I was bringing Troye a coffee because I thought we might hang out today...sorry...I'll just...go, then."

"Wait, Connie!" It's too late. Leaving my coffee on my dresser, he's out the door.

Tyler starts giggling, but when he sees the expression on my face, he stops. "Babe, don't worry. Connor knows about Troyler. He doesn't mind."

I shake my head. "It's different know. Um...I'm gonna..."

"Yeah, yeah, go after him. I don't mind."

He's walking somewhere. Why isn't he going home? After a while, we arrive on the beach, and he sits at the edge, leaning against a tree where the last of the greenery ends, hugging his knees and staring out into the water.

"What do you want, Troye?"

"I just...I just wanted to explain. It was for a video, you know. We weren't-we weren't like actually..."

He turns to look at me for the first time. "Oh...well it didn't look like it was just a video. You...you seemed pretty into it."

I frown. "I did?"

He laughs sourly. "Oh, definitely. Both of you. It looked quite heated. D-do you like him?"

I'd never thought of that. Sure, Tyler was attractive. Sure, he was fun to be around. Sure, I couldn't live without him. But that was because he's my best friend. I don't think I would actually want a relationship with him.

"Um....no...I don't think so..."

His eyes widen. "R-really?"

Finally deciding, I shake my head firmly. "No. No, I don't. I...I like someone else."

Connor starts to blush, and I sit against a tree opposite him and copy his position.

"So do I."

That catches me by surprise. Who does Connor like? It couldn't possibly be...me...could it?

"The guy I like...he has the most amazing eyes. And his laugh, it's the most wonderful sound." My heart stops suddenly when I realize what pronouns I used. Did I...did I just come out to Connor? I don't remember saying anything before...

Connor smiles sadly, and my head fills with confusion as he doesn't seem surprised at my choice of words. Have I told him before? Do I just not remember? "My crush...he's the cutest thing, yet somehow he's hot as fuck at the same time. His smile...I die inside every time.  Oh and his hair, it's the softest and every strand is always in place..."

Our eyes meet, looking at each other with a few feet of grass between us.

Somehow the distance disappears and he's moved next to me, facing the lake.

If I remembered everything would be so much easier. He would feel like my best friend again, and all of these wild fantasies would fade away.

But do I really want to be just friends?

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