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"Troye? Troye! Where are you?"

I wake up to Connor's voice and the bright sun of the late morning.

Where am I? Slowly, it comes back, and I remember why I spent the night crying on a bench somewhere on who knows what street.

I peel my face off the metal bench. My back aches from the uncomfortable position, and don't even get me started on my hangover. My entire face is caked with tears, and I undoubtedly look like an absolute wreck.

Connor. Why is he looking for me? I thought he hated me...I thought he chose Tyler over me after I overreacted last night.

"I-I'm here..." My voice is cracked and my mouth dry; practically no sound comes out as hard as I try.

But soon, Connor comes around the corner, breathtaking despite his tired eyes and dark circles underneath them. His face lights up in relief when he sees me, and immediately he runs over and picks me up, wrapping me into a hug and pulling me close as I bury my head in his shoulder.

"Troye, oh my god, I've been so worried, I was up looking for you all night...I thought you got run over again, and it would be my fault again, like the last time we fought drunk and you ran off. God, I thought you were dead, I've been calling your phone...did you sleep on that bench all night? Troye, my Troye, I'm so, so sorry. You don't deserve this, I don't know what I was thinking, I-"

"Con-Con? You stayed up all night looking for me? Y-you didn't need to do that..."

He pulls me back into a hug. "I did need to. Because I...because I l-love you."

I pull away, staring into his eyes in shock. "I thought you hated me. You kissed Tyler, and then I was such a jerk about it..."

"Let's forget that ever happened. We were drunk...Tyler was kind of pressuring me into it...I know Tyler's mad at you...I tried to reason with him, but now he's mad at me too."

"Connor..." Now he's giving up his friends for me. And do I really believe that he has no feelings for Tyler? He looked really into that kiss last night...

"It's okay, Troye. He was a mistake, and you're the one I want. He'll understand eventually. Love is love. And I've realized what I should have long ago...you're worth every second of waiting, so I don't care if you're not ready to come out. I don't care, I want you anyway."

I can't help but smile as he leans in and kisses me, our eyes fluttering shut and our lips moving in sync. My hands drape around his shoulders, reaching up and tangling in his hair, and his find their way around my waist, pulling me closer.


"Yeah Tro?"

"Wanna be my boyfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask."



I give her a blank glare.

"Come on! I need details! If Tronnor is real, I want to be the first to know."

"Zoe! Nothing's going on."

"Suuuuuure. Tell that to the goofy smile you've had all week. Are you two together yet?"

"Zoe! I'm not supposed to tell..."

"It's not telling if I guess. You two are totally a couple." She squeals. "Did you go on your first date yet? Did you sleep together yet? Oh my gosh this is so exciting! I've shipping you guys for ages."

I give a reluctant groan, giving in. "Actually, we went on our second date just yesterday. And no, we didn't sleep together, which is none of your business anyway!"

She laughs, ruffling my hair. "Sorry, Troye. You're like a brother to me. Since I doubt Joe will get a girlfriend any time soon, it's up to you and your boyfriend to satisfy my fangirl needs."

"Whatever, Zoe." Although Connor and I had agreed to keep our relationship a secret until a while after I had come out as gay to my fans, I couldn't help it when a goofy grin began to spread across my face. I just love talking about him. My Connor at last. My boyfriend.

"So, where did he take you for the dates? Or where did you take him? And what did you do? Was it romantic?" She smirks playfully, absently twisting the engagement ring on her finger. Zoe and Alfie got engaged just last month, and of course the Zalfie fans are going insane. But they're really, truly amazing together, and I love seeing how happy they make each other.

"Um, well...the first date we went out to eat at some fancy restaurant for sushi, and then after we went back to my place where I had set up a bunch of candles and fairy lights and stuff and we had a photo shoot."

"Oh my gosh, that is so romantic!"

"And last night, we went outside to this lake where we had talked to each other about our crushes on each other before I knew he liked me back. There, we had this cute little picnic and just laid there and watched the stars. I guess that's kind of our thing, now. Watching the stars."

"I'm so, so happy for you. If you don't mind me asking, how is that going to work? Like, you need to come out as gay before you can even risk you and Connor getting outed."

"I know, I know. Con is helping me build up my confidence. I'm...I'm trying so hard to be ready, but I just don't think I am yet. I mean, I completely denied the idea of Connor and I, not to mention me being gay. Even if my viewers aren't homophobic, and I'm sure a good portion of them are, some of them might be angry that I straight out lied to them, you know? And some of the fangirls might not watch anymore if I shut down their daydreams about me..."

"Troye, it's going to be okay. Just take it one step at a time. Think of all of our friends who came out, and think of how accepting the YouTube community has been. Sure, there will be some haters, but most of your fans are loyal, and they genuinely love you. They'll accept you, no matter what. I'm sure of it."

Tronnor - For HimWhere stories live. Discover now