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I hold his hand as we walk home, not once letting go and never planning to again.

I'm just so fucking grateful that he's here, alive in my arms.

On the way home I get a call from Caspar. Still holding Connor's hand, I answer it and listen in shock as he begins to ramble.

"Troye, I saw the video you posted...I'm really sorry. I couldn't let you take the blame for all of it, especially since it wasn't true. So I posted a video as well, explaining what really happened...I know they'll be mad at me, but it's just something I'll have to deal with. Neither you or Connor deserve to be hurt because of me. Never again. D-do you think you could forgive me now? Do you think we could start over?"

I smile in shock and relief. "Definitely. Thank you so much Caspar, you really have changed. Whatever the fans say, I'll help you deal with. I'm proud to call you my friend."

Connor looks at me as I hang up, a light in his eyes that wasn't there before. "What did he say?"

I kiss Connor on the forehead sweetly. "He told the fans the truth. They won't blame us anymore, and Caspar is becoming our friend again."


"Tro! Hurry up. You said you had something to show me," Connor whines.

I stare at the flash drive, grinning. Emma left it in our mailbox, and I can't wait to show my beautiful boyfriend.

We cuddle on the couch together, his head on my shoulder and my arms wrapped around him with a warm blanket around us. Snuggling closer, I put in the flash drive and click play.

We are runnin' so fast
And we never look back
And whatever I lack, you make up
We make a really good team
Though not everyone sees
We got this crazy chemistry
Between us

Jump starting your car 'cause this city's a bore
Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store
Making new clichés on our own little tour
Let's ride

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you, you

We try staying up late
But we both are light weights
Yeah we get off our face, too easy
And we take jokes way too far
'Cause sometimes living's too hard
We're like two halves of one heart
We are, we are, we are

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you, you

We're not a commercial
For everyone else
We go out for coffee,
and keep to ourselves
We make little homes out of 3 star hotels
And I know what your feeling,
Cause I feel it as well

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you, you

As the song goes on, I start singing along, at first quietly but then my voice grows louder and I sing it confidently and playfully, pulling at Connor's hair and dramatically acting it out.

He laughs and sneaks in a kiss whenever I take a breath between lyrics, but there are tears in his eyes by the time the song is over.

"I can't believe you wrote that for me. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," he mumbles, blushing.

"Well it's because you're the sweetest person I've ever met," I say without hesitation, which just makes him blush even more.

"I can't imagine my life without you," he whispers, gazing at my lips and licking his own.

"Well then we should stay together forever. We can be young gods and take over the world together," I smirk, and he chuckles at my Halsey reference.

"Babe, you know what?"


"All I need is you."

With that he smashes his lips into mine, and the whole world fades away. All that matters is my beautiful boyfriend and me, all that I can think about is how much I want him.

We move in sync, fighting for dominance which Connor eventually gains. He smiles into the kiss before slipping his tongue in my mouth. My hands sneak under his shirt and press against his chest. All I can think of is how lucky I am to have him. To be the one that Connor Franta loves, and to be the one to love him.

Later, when we snuggle in the bed wearing just boxers and cuddling in each other's warmth, I'm overwhelmed with love.

This boy is really something special, and I wouldn't give him up for the world.

God, I would do anything for him.

A/N: OMGGGGG. This book is over!!! I kinda ended it in a rush, and I probably forgot to tie up some loose ends (if so pls tell me in the comments and I'll fix it) but I was really proud of the last chapter and this one is okay? Lol I know the plot is kinda a mess, but whatever it's cute.

Thanks for readingggg love you! xxxx -Sophia

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