Chapter 12

459 12 1

Kyoya's P.o.v



I sat down next to her and put my arm around her. Having her so close to me made my heart beat faster, but I hated the fact that she was crying. She started to calm down until she was only sobbing a bit.

"Tori, what's wrong? Talk to me" I said softly as I could, moving a stray hair behind her ear.

"Sorry to bother you Kyo-Kun" She said, then started sobbing a bit. "I told you to tell me what's wrong, not apologize" I said.

"I-I had a nightmare" She said and started tearing up again. First of all I was kind of surprised that a nightmare affected her that badly, then again I've also been scared to death by a few nightmares myself.

I hugged her again, "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. Tori shook her head. "I was thinking of going to T-Tsubassa" She whimpered. Hm, thought so. Who wouldn't go to the big brother after they had a nightmare, I remembered when Kakeru used to come to me.

Ugh! This girl isn't only messing up my feeling she's also bringing back memories

"Do you want me to take you to him?"  I then asked. "K-Kyo-Kun, could I stay with you to night?" She asked, it was barley louder than a whisper. "Uh...sure I guess, Tori. Just get into bed" I said and she crawled up the bed. Then laid sown on the left side of the bed as I came and laid down on the right. Good thing this was a double bed, otherwise I would have to sleep on the floor. On the other hand I wouldnt really mind sleeping on the floor, I would still give Tori the bed.

I switched off the light, but the window provided enough moonlight so I could still see Tori. We both kept looking at each other. She looked so cute. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep.

Tori turned around so her back was facing me. I waited for some time to make sure she was asleep, then slowly slid my arm around her waist and brought her against my chest. Some might think this as taking advantage or something. I'm not hurting her or anything so it really isn't.

As I started to fall asleep, I felt Tori move around a bit then she turned around again. Then she snuggled into my chest. Kissing her forehead is the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

Tori's P.o.v

I woke up feeling cozy and warm.  I snuggled into the warmth, but it wasn't long before I felt skin rub against my cheek. I instantly opened my eyes to see Kyoya's sleeping form. He looked so peaceful and......cute. That's right Kyoya Tategami looks cute, when he's asleep at least.

He had both his arms wrapped around me pulling against his chest. I slowly tried to move away from him, that's when I noticed he also had his legs around me protectively.  As much as I want to stay here, I have to get going back to my room.

"Kyo-kun..." I said softly and touched his cheek. "Kyoya wake up please" I said again softly. This time he stirred a bit, and slowly opened his eyes, sleepily before looking at me. Then he looked at me and closed his eyes again.  I felt Kyoya's grip around me tighten as he pulled me closer.

"Come on Tori, I like having you this close to me, let me sleep a bit more" He said, half asleep, and then I felt him nuzzle my neck before starting to snore slightly. So much for going back to my room.

Wait did he say, he likes having me close to him or did I hear it wrong. I shook my head and looked at the clock. It was 6.15 Am. "Fine, Kyo-kun you can sleep until 7" I whispered.

~Le time skip of 1 hour~

I sleepily opened my eyes and looked up to see, Kyoya. Still asleep. I knew lions loved to sleep and all but I wanted to eat breakfast. I looked at the clock to see it was 7.15 Am.

"Kyo-kun" I slightly shook him but got only a small grunt in response. "Kyoya!" I shook him a bit harder. This time he slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me.  Yeah, he still was hugging me. "Hm...morning Tori" He said still a bit sleepy I guess.  I smiled at him, "Good morning Kyo-kun, would you mind letting me go?" I asked.

Kyoya looked confused at first, "huh?"  Doesn't this guy even know where his own hands or legs are?

I gave him a bored expression. I guess it finally hit him cause Kyoya immediately let go of, blushing me and sat up.

"Uh...I didn't mean know hug you like that..." he scratched the back of his neck.

I looked up at him, since I was still lying on the bed and raised an eyebrow. "Really? that's not what you said a hour ago" I said, smirking.

"A...hour ago?" Kyoya looked like he was trying to remember what he said. Which was highly unlikely to happen. I sat up and looked at him.

"You said and I quote, 'Come on Tori, I like having you close to me, let me sleep some more' and yeah then you hugged me tighter and I let you sleep till 7.15" I said and watched Kyoya's expression become more flustered.

"Well why didn't you just wake me up, in the beginning?" He asked, becoming calmer and crossing his arms.

" reason" I said and looked away from him. "Besides the fact you looked cute" I whispered mostly to myself.

Hm....try imaging Kyoya sleeping cutely...what did you guys get? Did he look cute? Or his still sexy/hot? XD

Anyways hope you liked this chapter, if you did, please don't forget to vote. :3

And btw people what do you guys think goes together the best, flo green, black and silver or glittery green, flo green and black or black, glittery green and light green? Or is it some other combination? Tell me in the comments, K?  Cause yeah, I normally apply those colors of nail polish. XD I have other colors but I love green and black.


Anyways, bye kitties! Kitty-Chan~

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