Chapter 7

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Kyoya's P.o.v

So I'm stuck here for some time. It didn't seem that bad I guess, there are some new people to battle, and hopefully some of them will be strong. Also I guess I could spend some time with Tori...

I shook my head, I rather spend my time training here maybe, I thought to myself, even though it was obvious I was lying to myself. I looked at Tori.

"Morning guys" She was greeting the others. She had a smile on her lips but she wasn't as cheerful as she was a few minutes ago.

"Hey Tori, where were you going?" Yu asked looking at her. "Just went out for a walk" She looked at him with a blank expression and then walked up to him. Yu looked at her as she bent down so they were on the same level. They both stared at each other, blinking. Both of them were expressionless. Gingkas, Benkei's and my attention were on them both.

They blinked once. Twice. Tori lifted her hand near to Yu's cheeks. "AWW!!! Why are you so cute Yu?!?!" She suddenly squealed pinching and pulling the orange haired kids cheeks. All three of us sweat dropped.

I thought she was going to say something serious....Mental note: beware of Tori's randomness

"AHHHH!!Tori!!" Yu yelled. His face was priceless, I actually wanted to laugh, but kept myself composed, but the other two were laughing their ass offf.. Tori finally stopped and walked back and stood next to me again.

Finally when everyone calmed down I noticed that Kenta, Madoka and Tsubassa had also come out.

"Good morning kitty" Tsubassa walked up to Tori and messed up her hair. "Hey! Don't do that birdbrain" She kept giggling even while she made her hair again. For some reason I started to feel some unknown hate towards Tsubassa...

"Why do you call Tsubassa 'birdbrain'? Isn't it an insult?" Kenta asked.

"Well he likes birds so I call him birdbrain and Birds are smart, well his eagle yeah I call him birdbrain" She explained. "And I call her kitty, cause she's exactly like on when it comes to agility" Tsubassa said and messed up Tori's hair again.

"Tsubassa" She kept whining.

"Are you the same girl we met last night?" Gingka asked "You seem more..."

"More energized? Well yeah I just came back from a mission when I met you guys and was super tired" Tori Said. "Anyways I'll meet you guys down at breakfast. Gotta get something, Later" She turned around, flashing me a smile and left towards her room.

We all started walking towards the cafeteria to have breakfast. Benkei walking next to me. "Kyoya, hey where were you going when we saw you outside?" He asked. "I was out on a walk with Tori" I replied bored. He gave me a weird look which I just ignored.

Tori's P.o.v

I walked into the cafeteria and got some food. I was about to sit in my usual place with Luna who was my closest friend her besides Tsubassa but he was more than just a friend. But then remembered that she still hadn't come back from her mission so I went toward where Kyoya and the other were.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked keeping my tray down on the table.

"Nope" Yu asked since he was to my left. On my right was Madoka. I sat down and smiled at Kyoya, who was sitting in front of me. But instead of smiling back He winked while smirking. (Great now I'm imagining him winking, sexily. XD) I looked down immediately knowing I was blushing a bit.

"You okay Tori?" Madoka asked. "Yeah, fine. So what are you guys doing today?" I asked looking from one person to another. "Well I wanted to battle you" Gingka answered. "Same here Tori" Kenta said.

I can't battle since my beys still being fixed and I'm not sure about my arm. The wound opened up again after I fell from the tree, I only noticed while we were talking with Ryo and Hikaru in the morning.

I thought a bit more, "How about a challenge?" I asked but didn't wait for them to answer, "You guys have to defeat all the other bladers here, before you can battle me" I looked at them and then added "Don't worry there aren't many people here these days, most of them are on missions"

"I accept it" Gingka said smiling. Soon everyone was okay with it. We talked about random stuff and soon finished eating.

"Let's get started and battle" Gingka cheered. Does this guy ever stop being enthusiastic. "Yay! Battle time" Yu said. Aww!! He's so cute! but this time I refrained from messing with him.
Well kinda. I slowly reached out my hand towards his cheek but I wasnt looking at him. Kyoya lifted an eyebrow at me, then i pulled on Yu's cheek while he wasnt looking my way.

"WHA!!!!" was all he could say before Yu threw his spoon at a certian blue haired blader *cough*sehun *cough*
I then let go and acted like nothing happned and Kyoya gave me a amused expression since I was looking at him while pulling Yu's cheek.
Everyone else was either confused (gingka) or laughing.

"Guys I'm going to check out the beyblade repair center" Madoka said looking excited and left.

I watched as everyone went in different directions. Well almost everyone, Tsubassa and Kyoya stayed.

"Aren't you going Kyo-Kun?" I asked him. "Kyo-Kun?" Tsubassa asked, confused.

"That's what she calls me know" Kyoya said walking over to me.

"Oh...okay. Tori you up for a match?" Tsubassa asked. Okay I know I said my wound reopened but I just had to spar with Tsubassa, anyways I have my other arm as well you know.

"Hm...sound nice. Let's go" I agreed "Kyo-Kun, you wanna come? Or are you going to battle the others?" I asked. Once again hoping he would come.

"Sure" Kyoya agreed, "What exactly are you two going to do?"

"Spar" Tsubassa answered simply. We walked into a training room. Kyoya walked to the side and sat on the bleachers, watching as I went to other side of the combat area.

I got into position while Tsubassa did the same. "Don't go easy on me birdbrain, It will be a big mistake" I said smirking to Tsubassa.

"I won't" He answered. Both of us started a staring contest and soon started running towards each other.

When he was close enough I did a basic kick and my personal favorite, Mawashi-Geri, Roundhouse kick, which he barley was able to block. The he tried to throw me off balance but failed. He was still gripping my leg, so I took advantage of it and pushed up from my other leg jumping it the air and twisting my body.

Ending with my free leg colliding with the side of his face. I made sure not to make it too powerful, but he was still thrown off balance. I jumped back as he regained balance and came running at me. We started an onslaught of kicks and punches at each other.

Until I grabbed Birdbrains arm and threw him over my shoulder. But it was kinda hard considering my arm. As soon as he was down I sat on top of his chest and looked down at a dazed Tsubassa. I started pulling his cheeks for fun, "I win birdy!" I giggled.

Kyoya's P.o.v

Tori was moving super-fast. I had to admit I was very impressed. I barely saw some of their punches and kicks. Finally Tsubassa was thrown to the ground and Tori got on top of him. Then she started pulling his cheeks like she did to Yu sometime before. Once again I felt that unfamiliar hate towards him.

I walked over to them.

"Ugh, Tori did you have to throw me?" Tsubassa was saying when I came up to them. "Sorry birdbrain got carried away" she said as she got off him, but stumbled and bumped into me. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Here" I gave her a water-bottle. "Thanks Kyo-Kun" She drank half of it and gave the rest Tsubassa, who finished it.

So guys how's the story this far? Hope it's not boring

Anyways the main question, what is Tsubassa's and Tori's relationship? They seem pretty close? Looks like Kyoya's jealous XD,

Anyways if you liked it don't forget to vote, please :3 and if you see a typo or something please tell, k? Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments, kk.

Bye guys, Kitty-Chan~

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