Chapter 16

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Tori's P.o.v

I gulped, down my water and looked at her. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked and she showed me her phone. I was drinking some more water but immediately spit it out, drenching the person in front of me, who happened to be Sehun who was walking by. "Where the hell did you get that?!" I asked surprised.

Luna pointed at Jay. I glared at him. "Uh...I was just walking by...and saw it and yeah..."He gulped, "Don't kill me"

"Who else did you show this too?" I basically growled at him. "Only jack, the Luna popped out of nowhere and asked me to send it to her" He said, quietly. "Delete it from your phone right now!" I said still glaring. "Sorry" He said while quickly deleting it.

"I think it looks cute" Alex commented. "Hey, you have it too?" I asked

"No, I don't wanna mess with you. Anyways got better thing to do" he then stood up. "Night guys"

"Later Al" I said and waved at him smiling. Then snapped back at Jay who showed me that he had deleted it. "I didn't send it to anyone else" He said. "Fine" I huffed and stood up, "Night guys" I waved at them and walked out of the cafeteria.

As soon I was out I'm pretty sure I was blushing like crazy

"Hey you aren't that pissed off right? You gotta admit it looks cute" Luna said catching up with me. "Delete it" I said to her still walking.

"Come on I'm making memories, you'll be happy it's still here later on. Trust me" She said, "I won't show it to anyone, promise"

"Fine" I said and she shoved the phone screen in my face again. "Want me to send it to you?" she asked.

"No thanks Lulu" I said. I doubt I would want the pick of Kyoya kissing my forehead.

"Fine, but if ya do just ask" She said. "I don't get you. Good night Lulu" I said and waved to her, then left.

I walked to one of the junior training rooms to see Scott, one of the trainees there.

"Hey Scott" I walked over to him. "Hey miss. Tori" he said and put his glasses back on. (Just imagine a guy like Yuki but with red hair instead of brown)

"Scott could you do me a favor?"


"Get all these guys to the training area after breakfast to battle the bladers who came from the WBBA" I said and gave him a list of names. "Sure thing miss. Tori, you can count on me" He said. "I know I can. Now get going before they head to bed" I said and watched as he rushed off.

After that I headed towards my room to see Kyoya and the others walking down the hallway as usual Kyoya trailing behind. I slowly walked up behind him. "Hey!" I shouted right next to his ear. Kyoya jumped a little and turned around glaring. The others also turned around.

"Why'd you shout?" Kyoya asked while rubbing his ear. "Just had to" I giggled. "Hey Tori" Gingka said "we haven't talked".

"True" I answered. "Anyways just wanted to say plans for tomorrow are done" I said to them.

"You mean battling more than one opponent outside thing?" Kenta asked. I nodded.

"Can't wait" Gingka said, excited. "Anyways see you guy's later, bye" I said and walked towards my room.

I changed into my PJ and started to do some work on my computer. After some time I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said and the door slid open automatically. Tsubassa walked over to me. "Why didn't you tell me you had nightmares last night?" he asked while messing my hair a bit. Why does every single guy love to mess up my hair.

"Well we didn't actually talk much today" I said. "Yeah but you should have, what was it about?" He asked sitting on my bed. I got up and sat next to him. Tsubassa put his arm around me and hugged me. "It was about him" I sniffed trying my best not to cry, "Onii-chan..." I started crying all over again. Tsubassa started rubbing circles on my back, trying to calm me down.

After sometime I did and looked at him. "It was about you real big brother again..." He sighed, "Those dreams had become less. Now looks like they are coming back" he said and I nodded. "How'd you know I had a nightmare?" I asked, quietly.

"Kyoya. Tori did you stay in your room last night after the nightmare?" He then asked and I shook my head.

"I was going to come to you but Kyoya saw me and I stayed with him last night" I said. Tsubassa looked at me for some time, "If you get them again and want to stay with someone else for the night, go to him again if you want or come to me, okay? No one else" Tsubassa said, protectively.

"Okkie" I answered. "Good night kitty" he said and the left. I shut down my computer and switched off the light. I slid into my bed and tried to sleep. I tried almost everything to fall asleep: rolling around, hugging my pillow and teddy, turning upside down, Putting on leg out of my blanket and bunch of other stuff.

After about an hour I got out of bed and grabbed my teddy. I opened the door and looked both sides of the hallway then slowly walked over to the door a few steps away. I knocked and waited a few seconds before the door opened and a shirtless Kyoya was standing in the door was. (Can't help it...*nosebleed* ^//////^)

"U-uh...h-hey Kyo-kun" I looked at him, doing my best not to look at his abs. "Hey Tori" he said and let me in. "Did you have another nightmare or something?" he asked casually. Like he was not shirtless and has a six pack!

"I-I couldn't sleep" I said. He looked at me, "Why are you stuttering?" He asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Uh..." I knew I was blushing, "You" I simply said and pointed at his bare chest. I guess that's when he noticed he was shirtless. "Oh shit" Kyoya said as he got out a shirt and put it on.

" couldn't sleep, so you decided to come here?" He asked me. "Can I stay here tonight too?" I asked, unsure.

"Sure, I guess" he said then smirked, "You're still blushing from before". "Meh, I wasn't the one that was shirtless so shut up" I said while sitting on the bed.

"I doubt I want to see you shirtless anyways" Kyoya commented and I felt my face heat yup again. "Pervert!" I threw a pillow at his face. "I said I doubt I want to, not I want to, why did you hit me" Kyoya said while laughing.

Kyoya's P.o.v

Wow I haven't laughed like that for some time.

"Shut up!" Tori growled and then yawned cutely, "Sorry" she said covering her mouth.

"Go to bed" I said blankly and switched off the light and got into the other side of the bed. I watched as she cuddled the teddy bear she had. I just noticed that. Normally I would have thought of someone having a stuffed toy to sleep with as a weakness but in this case it was cute.

"Good night, Kyo-kun" she said and looked at me. "Good night Tori"

""Tori looked at me. "Yeah?" I looked back at her. "Um....could you...uh..."She kept stuttering in-a-way. "Could I what?" I asked.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter and yeah I think Kyori (Kyoya + Tori) Might sleep together every night (no get the dirty minded thoughts out now) XD maybe.....or just a few nights...either way hope you liked this chapter! ^.^

What do you think Tori is trying to say? And who do you think is her real brother? Tell me in the comments! ^^

Sehun got drenched XD, wish I could do the same to someone I hate in real life without getting in to trouble. Well without getting into a lot of trouble.

If you did like this chapter please vote :3 it helps me get inspiration since I know people are actually interested in reading my story ^^ also tell me what you thought about this, K

School really knows how to create writers block, why are you so mean school! I have to wake up to get ready for school at 5.30 am and the time now is 3.27 am not kidding. Just had to update.

But my holidays start tomorrow but only for 2 weeks...

Good night Kitties! Kitty-Chan~

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