Chapter 14

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Tori's P.o.v

I walked towards one of the training rooms. The scene of what happened with me and Kyoya kept playing in my mind. Wow, I can't believe I acted so childish...

I rarely act like that. Each time I remembered it, I wanted to laugh. The others might start to think I was crazy then...meh

"Yo Tiger wait up!" I heard someone call to see Luna running towards me. "Yeah Lulu?"

"How about we go for target practice or agility?" She asked me. Luna had her purple hair tied back in a ponytail. "Hm...Both of them maybe?" I asked.

"Come on, I'm too lazy to do both today" she whined. "Fine then target practice" I said, "Let's go" I started to drag her. Mostly as revenge for dragging me before.

"Don't drag me" Luna kept complaining as I dragged her. After some time I let her go.

"Here we are" I said as we stood in front of the door. "We already passed here three times! Baka!" Luna shouted at me.

"I know that. I just wanted to drag you around" I gave her a bored look. If looks could kill.....I'd still be fine I guess. When she looked angry, it wasn't that scary anyways.

"Let's just go, I'm going to shoot your head" she said and walked inside. "Haha very funny" I rolled my eyes and followed her. I watched as Luna picked up a pistol. "Hey you were kidding about shooting me, right?" I asked, a little unsure. "Of course...not" She aimed at me.

Looks like she's serious.....meh, she won't. I crossed my arms. "Come at me lulu" I said. Then gave her look, which meant, 'I dare you'.

She aimed and we both stayed still for about a minute or something. I yawned and was about to walk away.

Luna's P.o.v

I kept aiming the pistol at Tori. She yawned and gave me a mocking look. She looked like she was about to walk away so I fired. The bullet went right past her shoulder and hit the target behind her. She didn't even flinch.

A wide smile made its way across my face as I lowered the pistol. "You were finally able to do it, after about a 100 tries. Well done" Tori said while doing slow sarcastic clapping.

That was a trick I've been trying to do for some time now. I saw it done in the movies and wanted to be able to do that trick ever since. It seemed cool.

"Congrats Lulu" Tori said walking up to me and taking the pistol. Well snatching the pistol, to be exact.

"Thanks, Tori do you ever flinch?"

Tori's P.o.v

"Rarely, anyways why would I with you shooting me. Even if the bullet hit me the worst that could happen is me getting a small bruise, right?" I said and took one bullet and crushed it in my hand, "since they are made of plastic"

Yeah, fake bullets during training. Even though there are real ones too. "Good point" Luna said.

"Now let me show you how a pro handles a gun" I said and tried to some kind of trick with it but ended up hitting my head with it. "Ow!"

"Wow, I can see you are pro" Luna said, sarcastically.

"Meh!" I turned around and faced the targets. "Check out my new trick" I said and help the pistol upside down and fired it with my pinkie. Hitting the bullseye perfectly. (Death the kid style, XD. Couldn't help it, sorry)

"Nice" Luna commented. "My pinkie hurts" I whined and she burst out laughing. "Good for you show off" She said, still laughing. (Random fact: It does hurt a lot, trying to fire a pistol with your pinkie. Just saying)

"Let's see you do better" I challenged her. "Yo! You two stop goofing around" Jake, the trainer in charge of this place came up to us.

"Is there a problem?" I asked as he glared at us. "Stop goofing around and practice or leave" He shouted at us. Jake hated me and Luna both after we both beat him in a competition. He used to be the best sniper here. Luna is the best now.

"We were just practicing our skills" Luna shot back. "Sure you were" He said, unbelievingly. "Yup we were so, leave us alone now, k" I said and turned around to choose a different gun. I heard him grunt and walk away.

For the rest of the day Luna and I just goofed around, doing random stuff and tricks with the guns.

"I'm going to check if Cheetah is fixed" I said to Luna. "Sure, I'll go see if Tsubassa is busy" she said

"Later Lulu" I waved to her and walked towards the bey repair center.

Once I reached it, I looked around to see Alex working on a bey. I walked up to him. "Yo Al what you doin?" I shouted when I was right next to him. "AHHH!!!" he jumped and fell of his seat. "What the hell Tori" He looked up at me from the floor.

"Sorry had to do it" I said as I helped him up. "So what were you doing?"

"I was doing some finishing touches on Lightning Cheetah" He said and pointed at my bey, "Almost done" Alex said and sat back down and started working again.

"What did you do to your bey, Tori?" he asked while he worked. "I don't know. I battled and stuff" I answered.

"Done!" Alex exclaimed and looked at me. "Here you go. Now I gotta fix Shadow falcon" He said and took out Luna's bey.

"Thanks dude! Cheetah looks awesome" I hugged him. "No problemo Tori" He smiled at me. "Later dude" I said and left. "Yeah bye"

I walked down the hallway towards my room. Once again me and Luna had skipped Lunch. For both of us it wasn't an important meal. It was almost dinner time.

"Go Leone!!!" I heard a now familiar voice shout from one of the battle areas. I walked in, curious to see a tornado blowing in the middle of the stadium.

Three beys flew out of the stadium and the tornado stopped. I saw four people standing around the stadium. Obviously the first person I saw was Kyoya as he caught his bey. The others were guys from here, meaning the facility.

All 3 of them looked shocked. I smiled, I couldn't wait to battle this guy, it's going to be fun.

I walked up to Benkei and Yu who were also there, near the bleachers. "Hey guys" I waved at him.

"Ah!" Yu hid behind Benkei. I looked at him with a bored look, "Really Yu? I won't do it again you know" I said to the cute orange haired kid.

"Hey Tori, can I ask you something?" Benkei said and I looked up at him. "Sure"

"What happened with you and Kyoya today morning?"

"Oh...nothing much. I just threw a glass of water on his face while he was sleeping and he got angry that's all" I said casually. Benkei looked at me like I was a ghost.

Yu started to laugh a bit, "Really Tori?! Awesome. Yoyo would have killed me if I did it" the kid said and stopped hiding behind the bull.

"If you do try it, I will kill you and don't call me yoyo" Kyoya growled at Yu as he walked towards us.
"Aww. You didnt kill Tori!?" Yu whined.
"I have my reasons" Kyoya grunted.

"Hey Benkei! It's our turn to battle" someone shouted from the other side of the stadium and Benkei went off to battle.

"Awesome battle" I said to Kyoya. He just grunted in response. "Someone's grumpy" I mumbled. And sat down to watch Benkei's battle.

Yeah this chapter was just a random filler. Mostly about guns XD love Guns! Or any kind of weapon really....anyways hope you liked it. And yeah right now Tori; Kyoya and Yu are together so expect some random stuff in the next chapter, maybe...

Luna is based on my friend Motarkong XD aka Hay aka won't tell her real name. That's basically how I mess with her.

Hope you liked this, if you did please vote :3 and tell me what you thought about it in the comments, K.

Bye kitties! Kitty-Chan~

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