Chapter 21

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Kyoya's P.o.v

We both walked out silently to collect Leone. "Tsubassa" I asked emotionlessly, "What do you think is the best way to tell Tori I like her?"  I can't believe I asked that. Whatever, I can't take it back now.

He looked at me weirdly before smiling. "I suggest you find your own way, Kyoya" Tsubassa said, "By the way you better finish your battle with Sehun, and I gotta go do some work, later" He then walked away.

Find my own way, great. I have no idea how to be romantic. Well I don't think I have to, since Tori doesn't seem that into romantic stuff.

I collected Leone and went to Challenge Sehun. I gonna beat him, definitely.

Tori's P.o.v

Me and Madoka talked randomly about stuff as we walked. Luna also joined in a few seconds.

"Hey Tori!" Jay came running up. "Yeah?"

"Kyoya and Sehun's battle will start in a few second. Just thought you might want to know" He said smirking.

"Let's go Tiger!" Luna shouted and started to drag me, this time I came willingly. Madoka also ran after us.

We entered and sat down on the bleachers. Gingka and the others were there. So was Sehun's team and jay, Jason and Alex. I wasn't expecting so many people.

Kyoya and Sehun both were glaring at each other.  Sehun flinched making Kyoya smirk. Kyoya's going to win this. I smiled and looked at the green haired blader. Either he randomly looked or he felt me staring at him because he looked at me.

Something about his stare made me blush but I smiled back anyways.

Kyoya's P.o.v (too many P.o.v changes)

Tori looked cute smiling at me. It was hard to think she was the same girl I saw some time ago.

I then readied Leone as Sehun readied his bey, 'Destructo Serpent'.

"3..." I began. "2..."

"1. Let it rip!!!" We both said and launched our beys. Leone went to the middle of the stadium as serpent circled it.

"Leone!" I said and Leone created a tornado. "Is that the best you got?" Sehun sniggered, "Serpent show them what you got".

Serpent started to attack Leone's tornado but kept getting repelled. Sehun seemed to get irritated.

I smirked, "Leone, Lion gale force wall" It was a simple move, but I wanted to see what Sehun could do, not finish him at once.

It didn't affect serpent. "Let's finish this quickly serpent, I don't want to waste my time with a weakling" Sehun said, "Serpent, special move: Poison death Strike!"

"Did you just call me a weakling" I growled at him, "You'll regret that, Leone, Lion wild wind fang dance" I said as Leone's tornado became more powerful.

Serpent headed straight for it and ended up getting sucked up. Perfect. I smirked as Leone's tornado started to toss serpent everywhere within the tornado. Then finally threw serpent out of the stadium. It went and crashed into the wall behind Sehun.

"W-What!! Impossible" he looked shocked. A look I've seen many opponents have before.

"I didn't even have to use my full strength" I smirked and caught Leone.

I then looked at Tori. I wanted to finish this. "Let's battle, now Tori!" I looked at her holding out Leone. She immediately jumped up smiling, "Sure!" and ran to the other side of the stadium. It was obvious she was excited. I gave her small smile.

"I'm afraid you're going to loose though Tori" I said.

Tori's P.o.v

"I'm afraid you're going to lose though Tori" Kyoya said with a smug smile.

"As if Kyoya" I said and got my launcher out and fixed Cheetah to it. Kyoya did the same.

"3..." I began the count down. "2..."

"1. Let it rip!!!" We both shouted and launched our beys. Let's see which is stronger a bey with a star fragment in it or a bey with a Moonstone?

Cheetah started circling the stadium. Just like before Leone went to the middle of the stadium and created a tornado.

"Cheetah!"  My bey attacked the tornado, after a few hits it was able to destroy it. Without a protective wall of wind surrounding it Cheetah was able to attack Leone head on. "Grrr" The damage it cause was minimum though.

"Leone!" I heard Kyoya say and his bey came after mine. "Cheetah!" Cheetah and Leone clashed but both beys were thrown back, Again and again....and again.

"Grrr....Leone! Now True lion gale force wall!" Leone once again created a tornado but stronger, way stronger than before. "Need to get rid of it" I mumbled, "Cheetah, iron silver claw!" I said and with a wave of my arm Cheetah glowed silver and headed straight towards the tornado.

"Big mistake Tori" Kyoya said smirking as Cheetah cut right through the tornado. His smirk slowly disappeared just like Leone's tornado.

"What?! Leone, attack now!" Kyoya ordered and Leone started to chase Cheetah and attacked from behind.

"Cheetah, camaflouge!" I said and my bey disappeared.  Leone came stopped chasing and went back to spinning in the middle.

"Your bey might have disappeared but not for long" He said smirking. He smirks a lot. "Leone, King Lion reverse wind strike!!!" he shouted and Leone once again created a tornado.

"You already tried that, right?" I asked tilting my head, then saw Leone being carried up wards by the air currents.

"Just watch" He said as the tornado disappeared as Leone reached the top and started to create a tornado again but, upside down? Oh wait reverse wind, now I get it.

Now the tornado was spinning anti-clock wise. The wind currents made Cheetah visible once again and started to slow its rotation speed. "Looks like I'm gonna win" Kyoya said with a triumph grin.

"Are you sure about that Kyo-kun?" I said laughing a bit as a small click was heard from Cheetah.

Kyoya's P.o.v

I watched as Cheetah picked up speed. Tori smirked, with a cat like glint in her eyes, I think is the best way to describe it.

"How?" I asked in disbelief. This was a left rotation tornado and cheetah is a right rotation bey, unless...

"Looks like you finally got it Kyoya, Cheetah can switch modes from left rotation to right" She said looking at me. "Grrr Leone!!" I shouted. Leone once again landed in the stadium wobbling a bit. "Leone special move: King lion crushing Fang!!"  I said and Leone created a tornado and started to suck Cheetah into it. Finally.

"Grrr! enough playing, Lets finish this Cheetah, Special move: Death storm!!" This time Lightning Cheetah glowed a goldish yellow before headding for Leone's tornado. Heading right into my trap. I watched as Cheetah was carried up wards into the tornado. "Leone!!" Leone used the wind currents and headed straight towards Cheetah.

Unexpectedly Cheetah started heading down wards towards Leone ending with both of the crashing into each other in midair. (I hate myself. I can't remember how King Lion crushing fang works, hopefully I got it right)

I heard one bey crash on to the ground, that bey had stopped spinning.

Hmm....Which bey though? Leone is a Legendary Beyblade so I doubt it was Leone but remember Tori was wondering about a sun stone, well yeah I have to find out what a sun stone is XD anyways tell me who you think won?

And finally I got to the part I wanted. FINALLY!!! Kyori! From next chapter, Maybe.... >'.'<

Anyways, hope you liked this Chapter, and yes I've been dragging *sigh* sorry really sorry *bows* If you did like it please don't forget to vote and tell me what you think about it, good or bad :3 I want your honest opinion ^^

Btw do you think I should right Tori vs. Gingka or put Kyori next tell me in the comments, K? :3

Bye kitties! Kitty-Chan~

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