Meeting Him...

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Authors Note
Im sorry for not updating in the longest time so im going to write 3 Parts today so you'll be reading more! <3
Your P.O.V

Zane led me to a kingdom not so far away. He told me that he was a prince, so I get to stay in their Castle.

"Hey y/n! You'll have to meet my parents if you want to stay here..." Zane said with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Okay!" you said with your side bangs covering your face. "You'll also get to meet my older brother! He's around your age so im sure we can get along!" There was a long silence after that.

"U-um, y/n, can you tell me why you ran away from your village? I mean if you want to..." Zane said looking down."Um...sure" you said.

Time Skip

"And now im here!" you finished off. "Wow..." Zane replied. "So you say you're good in combat? Well, how about I challenge you then. Im fairly good myself..." he said with a grin on his face his gray eyes looking into mines. "Bring It on!" I said smirking. Should I use my magic? Or is that to overboard? I shouldn't use it, right?

"Hey, c'mon! Did you space out or something?" you heard. "Oh sorry! Just thinking of how to kick your butt!" I yelled back. "Well come on! Lets go!" you got into your fighting stance, ready to pounce. "Ready....Set.......GO!!!" we ran towards each other.

(Cue Battle Music at top)

Zane ran towards me, trying to land a punch on me. You instantly blocked, grabbing his wrist sending him to a wall. He gets up slowly, ready to come again. You wait there waiting for him to come to me. He comes waiting for me to make a move. I punch causing him to block, but me being clever I swung my leg at his feet knocking him down.

"Is that all ya got?!" I yell. Zane gets up and tackles me. We wrestle on the ground punching and kicking, but not getting any progress done.

(Stop Music... Unless you want to listen for more!)

"Zane who is this?" someone yells. Zane and I look in the direction of the voice. There standing by the doorway is a boy that looks my age with blonde hair and striking blue eyes. You feel yourself spacing out, until someone interupts your thoughts, "Oh hello Garroth! This is my new friend y/n!"

This so called 'Garroth' looks at me on the floor with Zane on top of me. I look up and can feel heat rushing up my cheeks. I laugh awkwardly looking at Garroth. "Um... Hello Garroth!" I say with a little way. "Hello y/n! Nice to meet you!"

"Zane can you please get off of me?" I say. "Oh sorry!" he replies with his face turning red. You chuckle quietly. Zane puts out his hand to help you up. "Thanks." "Hey Garroth want to go with us so y/n can meet mom and dad?" "Yeah sure!" Garroth says looking at me. A tint of pink goes on his cheeks, and he looks away. I grab both their hands, making them blush, yelling, "Lets Go!"

Authors Note
Im so sorry to all of you!
I haven't been updating, and I feel bad so tonight I will be posting 2 more parts as a gift for 300 reads! Wow!
Peace Out Milkyways!

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now