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Your POV

I walked towards the plaza looking for Garroth.

As I get there, I hear a very agitated Aphmau yelling orders at someone. I walk towards them.

I walk towards them to ask Aphmau what was going on, but I froze in my spot seeing the familiar face.

He turns around, his blue eyes staring into mine. He puts out his hand as I have my jaw dropped.

"Hello. I'm Zane, Okhasis' High Priest."

I take his hand, shaking it. "I'm Y-Y/N" I stutter out. "It's a pleasure to meet you." 'Oh this isn't how we met.' I think. He kisses my hand and continues with Aphmau.

I walk away, remembering the moments me and him had together.

Time Skip

As the yelling from Zane and Aphmau quite down, Aph walks towards me, her hand red.

"Y/N, we have to go." She says, leading me towards the docks. "Where we we going?" I ask confused.

I feel a presence behind me. I quickly turn around and see a guy with a red hood on.

"We're going to a wolf tribe." He says, his chest sparkling ( XD ).

I gasp. 'Who's wolf tribe is it?' I walk on onto the boat, Aaron behind me. I notice Dante, Laurence and Garroth there also. We all greet each other as we sail towards the forests.

Time Skip!

We arrive at our destination.
We all get off the boat as we follow Aaron and Aphmau.

I notice a pond. 'Wait. That's the same pond I was found by.' I look towards the tree by it and see the old carved heart. Y/N + Xander.

I gasp, as I feel tears coming into my eyes. Everyone looks towards me, noticing me whimper. "Y/N, is something wrong?" Garroth asks.

I look towards the tree and everyone looks at it. They see the heart and immediately asks questions. Laurence's catches me the most. "Who's Xander and why is he touching my women?!"

I laugh, tears pouring down my cheeks.

"X-Xander is m-my ex..." I say. Aaron scoffs and continues forward. I look towards Garroth sending glares to Aaron and the tree. Poor tree.

Aphmau speaks up. "We will talk about this later." I nod my head in understanding as Dante, and Laurence start up a conversation.

I stay quite as they argue over which is better, ice cream or cake. Obviously it's (Your Choice)!

As we walk, I worry over if we are going to Blonits village. I put my head down. I mean, we're going the same route Xander took me...

Short Time Skip!

We walk over the cobblestone steps, as I smell smoke. I put my head up, I fall onto my knees as Laurence and Garroth rush towards me. In front of my very own eyes, is the village. Burned down to a crisp.


Hope you enjoy the very late part, and remember, please check out my new book, 'Right Through My Fingers'!

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now