First Impression

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Time Skip
4 Years Later
Y/n has been living in the woods, traveling and taking jobs to gain money. She's also learned new Magicks (Elemental Magic and Book Magic) because of these jobs, she is one of the most powerful Magicks users in Minecraftia. She is also very famous and instead called (by the public) The Enchantress. No one knows her real name, or what Magicks she uses.

Your P.O.V
I've been traveling forever around the world, but I've never even thought about joining a village. Should I join one? Its night so I should just set camp.

Time Skip
Middle of the Night

Crack! I open up my eye. "Who's there?!" I shout angrily. No one disturbs my sleep! At that moment I was tackled onto the ground and had a sword at my neck. "State your name!"Yelled the man in armor. Because of my awesome fighting skills, I pushed him off of me, laying my foot on his back.

"Now wouldn't it be rude if you didn't tell me yours first?" I say coldly. "Fine, it's Garroth." My heart stopped right there. Garroths alive? "Well I go by as Enchantress, but I will not be stating my real name." "Okay Enchantress come with me." Garroth says grabbing my arm, making my cloak fall back revealing my face. He looks at me, and then looks away quickly. I put my cloak back up, following Garroth to wherever the heck he's taking me.

Garroth's P.O.V

'Wow. She's so pretty.' I can feel heat rushing of my cheeks and look away, releasing her. 'Garroth you can't fall for her' I tell myself.

Time Skip
Your P.O.V

'Wow! What is this place?' "This is Phoenix Drop!" Garroth says pointing towards the beautiful village in front of me. "It is quite beautiful." I exclaim. "Um Enchantress? Do I know you? I feel like I knew you from somewhere." Garroth says looking at me. 'I can't tell him? What if that impacts his memory in a bad way?' "U-um n-nope! I d-don't know you!" I stutter. God y/n why did you stutter?! "Okay, I need to introduce you to the lord." He says. "Okay." I say with a bored expression.

Garroth drags me towards a giant purple house. The lord must really like purple! Garroth knocks on the door. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I grab the persons wrist, flipping them, while putting my foot on their back. "Woah!" The person says. "Enchantress! Why did you do that?!" Exclaims Garroth. "Well excuse me, I thought that this person was going to attack me or something! God, didn't these people learn manners?" I muttered the last part. "Um can you get off of me now?" The person asks. "Tch" I take my foot off of the males back. He gets up, and I can clearly see his features. He has brown hair and very blue eyes. "What your not going to tell me your name?" I ask coldly.

"Hello there~ my name is Laurence. What's yours beautiful?" Wait what? Oh god! My cloak is down! I quickly put my cloak back up. "Just call me Enchantress." I say coldly. "Wait! You're the Enchantress! I'm so so sorry! I didn't know she was you!" Laurence mutters the last part loud enough so I could here. "Shut it casanova." I say looking towards Garroth, who's waiting patiently at the lords door.

Who takes this long to open a door? Finally! A women who has black hair and amber eyes opens the door. "Oh hello Garroth. Laurence! Who's this?" She says gesturing to me. "It's the Encantress." Garroth says. I swear I saw the women sweat drop. "Hello. Call me Enchantress. Who are you?" I say coldly. Laurence looks at me, shocked that I spoke like that In front of the lord. "U-uh, i-it's Lord
A-aphmau. P-pleasure to meet you!" She stutters. 'Am I that intimidating?'

"Tch" I say. "Enchantress! That's no way to speak to a lord!" Laurence says. I give him a death glare and he looks away. (A.N Captain Levi would be proud!) "Now am I aloud to stay here, or not?" I say, flipping my h/c hair back. "Yes of course!" Aphmau says. "Great." I say then walk away towards the village, leaving Aphmau and Laurence jaw dropped. "What are we playing jaw-drop and staring? Sorry but I don't play those games." I say glancing back.

"Don't you want us to help you look for an available house?" Aphmau says. "I'll help her find one." Says Garroth walking towards me. "Okay!" Aphmau says. Laurence nods his head, clearly scared of me. "Fine." I say and walk down the steps toward the village.

To Laurence and Aphmau

"Wow she's scary." Laurence says. "Yeah, but I'm sure she'll warm up to us." "She's like Garroth, always disguising herself." Laurence says looking towards the village. "What does she look like under that cloak?" Aphmau asks. "She's clearly beautiful," Laurence says "I wonder why she hides her face?" "Maybe she's shy." Aphmau says.

"Shy?! She's clearly not shy! She made me get chills on how she talked!" Laurence says, eyes wide open. "She'll open up to us! Don't worry!" Aphmau says. "I hope..." Laurence says.

Wow you sure
Left a good impression right?
Captain Levi would be proud!
By the way, this chapter was NOT checked for errors, so there will be mistakes!

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now