Happy Friendship Day

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So as some of you may know, today's international (thanks Dorito) Friendship Day!

I just want to point out that all of you readers reading this very note, I love you! You guys are the greatest friends I can get! And I love all of you to death!

Now I'm not good at being emotional since I hide emotions a lot irl. So Ima give an attempt at this speech dedicated to 2 of my best friends!

You guys came into my life when my world was pretty down. I was already going through trouble with distant relatives and my grandmother, plus hell (aka school).

Now I know one of you know about my depression story, but Ima not point that story out here, but it felt like I had no friends around that time since I was quiet, my best friend moved away, and I'm not great at making new friends, especially when I just started middle school.

I joined wattpad and put my crappy writing, that you guys decided to read and leave some awesome feedback on.

I wasn't really one to make online friends, and I don't really remember how I found this book that introduced me to this one friend.

All I remember is squealing when I saw that it was a crossover of some of my favorite books. I read the whole thing astonished of the writing skills, and I improved my writing trying to make it just as good.

I messaged the author of this book, not knowing that we would become the best of friends. We messaged each other once and eventually we just made one huge conversation.

She introduced me to this next friend. Another friend that I love so freakin much. I had no idea about her until I saw he commenting on all of the books chapters.

Now J (the author or thee book) decided we should make a group chat. She introduced me to Dhriti, the girl who commented on every sentence XDD

At first we were awkward since like I said before, I can't make new friends X3

But we warmed up. And I'm so happy we did. I'm so happy that we all are on group of buddies that curse and help each other out.

Eventually we all became the best of friends and I love them to death. I would never ask for better friends, cause they're the best I have.

I love you guys so much!

Now I have some little speeches for the both of you amazing assholes.

J, you don't understand how much you've changed me since the day we've met. You honestly made me so much crazier then I used to be. And I love you for that. You always helped me when I was down, and I never told you that i was down. I don't know why I didn't.. i just hated showing emotions like that. You don't understand how much better you make me feel when I talk to you. You make me feel welcomed and needed. I love that you accept my stupid anime feels too. I love you to freaking bits.

Dhriti, even though we have a new found friendship, I'm so fucking glad I met you and became friends with you. You always have helped me, and I've helped you with your new profound ninja skills. You never made me feel down and I thank you for that. You've made an impact in my life that i never though would happen. I just thought that you didn't like me at first, but now I know you needed to warm up to me. Even though we are across the world from each other, I love you to the sun and back. 93 billion miles to be exact ;3

I want to thank both of you for making me feel good about my hidden self. I've never been crazy around people other than my family. I just thought that people would judge me for it. But now I know people won't. And you guys made me realize that. I love you guys som much I can't put it into words. So here.. have a virtual hug. *hugs*

Now I know you've been waiting for something.. and I have it ready. I hope it makes you happy :3

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