New Family

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Your P.O.V
In the Castle

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked Zane and Garroth. "Here its this way." Zane said pointing to the left. "Okay let's go!" I said once again dragging Zane and Garroth behind me, Zane yelling directions at me on the way.

We arrived in a grand room, with a large throne, pointing towards me. On this throne, stood a middle-aged man, looking like Garroth with his blonde hair. I stopped running while Zane and Garroth squatted panting behind me.

Zane spoke up, disturbing the awkward silence, "Hello father! I would like you to meet this young lady right here," Zane pointed at me, I waved slightly. "Hello Sir! My name is y/n!" I said putting my h/c hair behind my ear, my sparkling e/c eyes, looking around the room in amazement.

The man spoke up, "Hello dear, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please, call me Garte." "The pleasure is mine." I said while bowing. "No need to bow, dear." "Father, I was wondering, since y/n has no where to stay, can she stay with us?" Zane said looking towards his father.

"Of course son. She can stay in the guest room, next to Garroths room." "Yes!" Zane said. He picked me up and twirled me around, laughing with me. I could feel a blush coming to my cheeks. "Um, hello?" I hear Garroth say. I ran up to him, hugging him. I stepped back, seeing his face pink. Garte chuckles, "If you can y/n, would you like to join us for dinner?" "That would be great!" I reply enthusiastically.

~Time Skip Cause Author-Chan is Lazy~
Your P.O.V

'Do I really have to wear this?' I ask myself. I look down at my dress. (Picture at Top) 'Well Zane and Garroth said that we have too, cause it's like, a tradition thing?'

I hear a knock at the door. I walk towards it, opening to see Garroth standing in front of me, with his arm out. He looks so cute... Wait?! Y/n don't think about this now! "Are you ready to go?" He says looking at me with a bright smile. "Of course." I say, linking my arm with his.

Authors Note- This Reminds Me of the Scene in Beauty and the Beast, When Belle is about to have dinner!

We walk down the royal steps, and Garroth leads me to the dining room. Their I see Garte and Zane sitting waiting patiently. They look towards me, Zane Blushing, and smile.

Zane's P.O.V

Wow, y/n looks so beautiful. Did I say that?! Oh god, I'm blushing! Let's hope she doesn't notice.

Your P.O.V

Garroth escorts me to a seat next to him. Garte speaks up, "Y/n can you tell me why you have no place to stay?" I gulp "I mean you don't have to, but I would like to know." "No it's fine. I need to get it off my chest." I say.

Time Skip

3rd Person P.O.V

After y/n explained her story to Garte, Garte said something that always made y/n feel better, those 6 words, that made her tear up,

You're part of our family now.

Another part complete! I will post the 3rd part tomorrow morning
(In US time)

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now