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Sorry for not updating in the longest time! Heres a new part for all of you Milky Ways! ;)
By the way, thx for all your patience and 10k views!

A Couple Days Later
Your P.O.V

Life's been great! Note the Sarcasm. I just found out that Aphmau and the Girls (Kawaii~Chan, Kiki, Cadenza, etc.) saw what happened with me and Garroth. Now they can't stop chanting that we're there OTP, whatever that means.

I walk out of my now decorated house. Brendan offered to work on it for me. I see Cadenza walking towards me. "Hey y/n!" I flash a bright smile at her.

"Oh hey Cadenza! I was just heading to the guard tower." On second thought, I don't even know where that is. "Oh it's that way." Cadenza stated pointing towards a huge tower.

"Cool beans." I say, Cadenza chuckling at my response. "Wait, are you going to see Garroth?" Cadenza questions, smirking. I mentally face palm myself, slightly turning red.

"Kind of," I start, Cadenzas smirk growing. "I wanted to ask him if I could become a guard." Cadenza nods. "K! Got to go! Bye!" I walk away, getting annoyed by the fact that Cadenza was chanting (your ship name).

I arrive at the tower, climbing up the ladder. I look across the room noticing Garroth with his helmet off, muttering under his breath, obviously pissed.

"Tough day?" I question, making Garroth jump. "Yup." He says popping the p. I walk towards him, him still muttering some very colorful words, from what I here about Laurence.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you if I could become a guard?" Garroth looks up joyfully. "Yeah of course! We need more guards anyway. With Dale drunk all the time, we're short one guard." I smile, but then smirk at what he says. "But, you have to beat me, Dante and Laurence in a fight."

"Grammar much Garroth?" I state, making a reference of one of my favorite cartoons. Garroth gets the reference, and replies with, "I'll grammar you Garroth!" He then tackles me on to the ground. (Did I get the reference right?)

We tackle on the ground, not noticing someone climbing up the ladder. Me and Garroth toss and turn. I finally push him off of me, getting on top of him. I look down into his eyes getting lost into them, him into mine.

I blush a deep red, noticing the position we are in. I get off him quickly, and heard laughter. I turn my head to see Laurence laughing on the floor, clutching his stomach.

Garroth gets up, scratching the back of his neck. "That was, SO CUTE!" Laurence squeals like a girl. Garroth and I blush harder, if that's even possible. "OMG YOUWEREROLLINGONTHEFLOORSTARINGINTOEACHOTHERSEYES! I SHIP IT MORE THEN ME AND APH!" Laurence rambles on and on.

"Okay Laurence, we get it" Garroth says smiling faintly at Laurence's childish behavior. "Me and Y/n were just fighting, nothing else."

I look towards him. "Really after all of that you can't get your grammar right?" Garroth notices his mistake, a blush coming across his face once again.    "Y/n and I." Garroth corrects. Laurence smirks.

Laurence's POV


Hey I'm back!
Sorry it's been so long, I lost the flow that I had for the story, but I recently got it back :)
Thx for sticking around!

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now