•Art Display•

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I promise I'll update over the weekend.
Sorry if this was not what you wanted,
But hey!
You get a chance to have your art featured in this book.

The Way this Display is Going to Work
Is By
The Milky Ways.
I will be having an Art Display
In which you guys
Get to submit art for this book!
It can be anything,
From a scene,
To maybe just a character.
Just make sure it's related to this book, MCD, somehow.
Or to me.

For example:
You can draw the scene in which Za---
Almost Spoiled Something.
But you can draw the scene in which Y/N is singing.
If you're going to draw Y/N somehow,
Make it look like you!

If you want to submit a picture of me,
You can make it from your imagination and by my username, or you can look at my face reveal and base it off what I really look like.

The Display will go on till the end of the book.
As people submit their art,
The ones I love the most will be featured in the chapter.
While the art comes in,
I'll put a new piece of art with each part.

The way to actually get me to see it.
The only way you can send me the art is by email.
With this email you can
message me
send me art
or just Give Me Ideas for the Book.

This email is available for all of you to use.
I will try to write a response to your email as soon as it's sent.

If you send me art, I will need your Wattpad username in the email you send.

to make sure you've read this thoroughly,
Comment down below if your going to send me art.
If you are going to,
Also put down your favorite fruit.
I only will put your art in the parts if you put down your favorite fruit.

The Email to send the art is:

I will also put the email in the comments.

Good Luck!
I hope to be able to see your art.

Bye My Milky Ways!
Love Ya <3

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now