I Tell You About Me! #Tagged

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January 3,2016

Hello my Milkyways! I was tagged by songbirdki  to do this! This is also a Gift to you guys for all the reads!

Rules (I hate rules:( )

1~ You MUST post all of the rules

2~ Each person must share 13 things about themselves.

3~ Answer the 13 questions given to you and make up 13 questions for the people you tagged

4~ Choose 13 people

5~ Choose 13 legitimate people

6~ Don't put 'Don't tag'

7~ Tag backs are allowed

8~ You MUST do a journal entry

9~ You have to be finished within the week

10~ Put something creative, not just 'I got Tagged'

Now Here are 13 Things about Me!

• My real name is Stefany! (I hate my name)

• I play a instrument (Flute)

• I never has waffles! ( I know it's sad )

• I've almost killed someone before

• I have major anger issues

• I never been to a sleepover

• I love ANIME


• I have been to the hospital 23 times in my life, so far

• I'm a major nerd and geek

• I love writing and drawing

• I love FOOD

• I sometimes imagine how many pigs can fit the room

Questions that I got Asked!

Q : If you had one day to live, what would you do?

A : I would probably say goodbye to everyone, but after that, stay inside all day watching anime and eating ice cream

Q : Favorite Book?

A : Probably 'Divergent'

Q : What do you like to do in your free time?

A : Read or Write

Q : If you could go anywhere in the world, that you haven't been to, where would it be?

A : I would go to Australia!

Q : What is the coolest thing you have ever seen?

A : This convention that I went, that was all in glow-in-the-dark

Q : Siblings/ Only Child?

A : I have a little sister

Q : Favorite Emoji?

A : 🤓

Q : When have you ever fan-girled?

A : Watching Tora Dora (Anime) and in that one episode where Ryuuji wouldn't let any of the guys win Taiga's first dance at the school dance.

Q : Favorite singer/band

A : I will answer both! My favorite singer is Christine Perri and my favorite band is 5 Seconds of Summer!

Q : Favorite youtubers?

A : Pewdiepie, Azzman, Bubbleteafrenzy, Aphmau, DanandPhilGame, and Laurenzside!

Q : Favorite color?

A : Navy Blue or Black, I can't choose

Q : Favorite Holiday?

A : Christmas

Q : (Just for Fun) Favorite Accent/ Language

A : I absolutely adore British accents! <3

Here are Questions I want the people I tagged to answer!

• Are you a Girly Girl, Or Tomboy?

• If you could be in any anime, which anime would it be?

• Which anime is your favorite?

• Who's your favorite Creepypasta?

• What's your favorite Video Game?

• Will you press the button? Go to Hogwarts, but you're put into Slytherin

• Would you want to travel anywhere in the universe and be immortal, but you can only return to earth every Christmas.

• Favorite Movie?

• Attack on Titan, or Sword Art Online?

• What's the baddest thing you've ever done?

• Which Hogwarts house would you be put in? RavenClaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, or HufflePuff?

• Which Faction would you join? Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), or Candor (the honest)?

• Favorite Japanese Song?

Here are the people tagged to do the Challenge!

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