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It's now one of those difficult things to write.
I have been tagged by TheGirlThatReads15
So, yeah go check out her profile :3

So I have been chosen, to post the hashtag
And tell my bullying story, or one I have witnessed.
I've decided to do both... So yeah :)

I want to tag anyone who wants to do this >3<


Now, my bullying story starts when I was around 6.
My best friend at the time, who is now the biggest bitch I know, would always tease me.
I was okay with it because she said it was just a joke.
She would call me a nerd, teachers pet and also.... A stupid immigrant even though I'm not one. But, my parents are.
(But I'm Proud ;))
Eventually the teasing got out of hand.
She told me to go kill my self because I wasn't perfect as she claimed she was. Remember this was when I was 6.
Fucking 6.

After a while, I got glasses.
I ditched her at 7, and made new friends.
She threatened me saying that she would reveal one of my biggest secrets ever that only she knew.
The secret isn't big to me anymore, but it was huge when I was younger.
This bitch got new friends and got some of them to turn on me.
Some of them didn't because they were my good friends.
They got her so called bitch squad,
To start hurting me.
Don't worry!
No punching, kicking it biting happened.

They hurt me emotionally.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I stood up for myself.
Even if I was 7 I was feisty.
I said things so harsh, I regret it now.
Thank the Gods that I didn't get in trouble for saying these harsh things.
They shut they're slutty mouths,
And it stopped.


Just this year, my best friend got bullied because of her sexuality.
She was Bisexual at the time, but recently came out as Lesbian.

Me and my best friend would do everything together. I didn't care that she liked both men and woman at the time.
Eventually, her secret got out.
I still don't know how.
She only told me, and I never told or mentioned it to anyone.

She started getting bullied too.
But not the type of bullying I got,
They hurt her physically also.
What's worse it, that she was in foster care.
She hated her foster parents, who hated her back.
They teased her for this too.
She became depressed, and started to cut.

I had no idea she was getting bullied like this until she came to school with a black eye.
She told me everything.
I got so angry, I almost broke.
I told teachers, not taking the same path I did at 7.
The bullying stopped and she was happy again.
She stopped hurting herself.

She's now happy living with her real parents.
We don't see each other in real life, but we video chat every day.


I am happy I got all this info out, and didn't start sobbing.
For all those who are getting bullied, or abused, please talk to someone. Do something. Crying in bed all day won't do anything to stop it.

A negative mind will never bring a positive life.

Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life; Define Yourself.

For all those bully's out there reading this,
What's the point of bullying?
To feel better?
Listen, you'll never feel any better if the only thing you know is to make others suffer.

I'm opening my message box for anyone who wants to talk about bullying, and someone who just wants a friend.

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