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Your POV

"Anyway, Garroth. When should we have the fight?" I say looking at him. "How about right after you change into armor." Garroth smiles. Laurence raises his brow. "Wha?" He asks like a little kid.

Garroth smirks. "Y/n going to fight us." Laurence turns pale. "W-w-hat?" He stutters, looking terrified of me. "I'm trying to become a guard." Laurence's color comes back to his face. "oh, well I'm NOT going to let you win!"

I chuckle. "Yeah, okay." I jump down the ladder, leaving Garroth and Laurence up there.

Garroth's POV

"Dude, when are you going to tell her?" Laurence asks. I pout. "Well, I've never confessed before..." Laurence puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you some tips. Okay?"


Time Skip
Your POV

I run out of my house. Wait. Where am I supposed to go? I sigh. God y/n. How could you forget to ask. I pat down on my clothing. (Up at the top^) I don't need any armor!

I walk towards Kawaii~Chans place. I knock on the pink door, gagging at all the pink. I feel like I'm in a little girls doll house.

The door opens up. I see Kawaii~Chan smiling. "Hey Y/n~Senpai!" I smile lightly back. "Hey Kawaii~Chan! I was just wondering If I could have some cakes." (Or pie, what ever you like best)

"Cakes?" Kawaii~Chan asks. She tilts her head, her ears folding down. "Yeah. 10 please." She looks even more confused. "It's for me." I state, giggling at her confused face. Her face brightens up. "Oh okay Y/n~Senpai! What type?" "(Your favorite type of cake of pie) please."

Kawaii~Chan goes into the house, signaling me in. She starts making the cake, starting a conversation. "How are you and Garroth~Kun?" She asks. I blush a deep red. "W-what?" I stutter. She looks towards me. "Yeah. How are you two?" I blush even more. Really y/n why did you think of it like that?

She notices my blush. She giggles. "O-oh. We're fine." Kawaii~Chan turns around, silently muttering 'OTP'.

She finishes all the cakes/pies and struggle to hand me the basket. I take it from her, easily handling it's weight. "Do you need help?" She asks her eyes wide. "No I'm fine. I'm pretty strong." I reassure her. She nods. "Bye!" I yell, already out the door.

I walk towards the plaza, hoping for Garroth, Laurence and Dante to be there. I take a cake/pie out of the basket, eating it on the way. With my hands of course. The sweet taste fills my mouth.

Garroth waves towards me, his armor on. I look next to him, to see Laurence and Dante in armor also. I walk towards them smiling. Dante notices me without my armor. "Hey! Where's your armor?" I smile. "I don't need it." They look surprised at my answer. "Okay, suit yourself." Dante says shrugging.

Everyone has their eyes on us, as we get into our battle stances.

Cue Epic Battle Music at Top ^
Sorry for the bad fight scenes! Just try to imagine it being epic. I'm not good at these XC

Dante runs towards me first, trying to land a punch. I grab his punch, throwing his pretty heavy body away from me. Everyone gasps in surprise. "She's amazing!" I hear someone from the crowd say. I smirk. "Well that's the Enchantress for ya'!" Someone else says.

Laurence and Garroth run towards me at the same time. I stay in my spot, waiting for their move. Laurence and Garroth both lift their swords up, trying to hit me from above. They bring their sharp blades down as they jump.

I hear no other choice then too teleport. I teleport behind them, making them fall in their faces. I laugh. Dante eventually comes back into the arena (plaza) and tries to swing me from underneath. He swings his sword, and I jump, doing a backflip out of the way.

Dante stands their surprised on the ground. I make a fake move on his lower half, then go from above. He fails to block, falling. I put my sword on his neck. Dante's out!

Garroth and Laurence split up. Garroth to the left, and Laurence to the right. Instead of staying there, I charge towards Laurence throwing him off guard. I kick his chest, and put my sword to his throat as he falls. He chuckles. Laurence is out!

Garroth comes from behind me. I can sense him. As he lifts his sword, I turn around and we spar. Block, hit, block hit. It goes on for a long time. Wait! Y/n! Use your awesome charm!

I wink at Garroth and giggle, putting him into shock. I quickly punch him down. I put my sword to his neck. It's over. I won.

Everyone cheers, in surprise and excitement. The surprise coming from beating their head guard. Dante gets up, dusting his bum off. Laurence walks towards me, and Garroth? He's just on the floor in shock and embarrassment. We all shake hands, them congratulating me.

Finally. I can actually trust them.

Okay! Another part is done!
But the feels will come very soon!
So get prepared to laugh, and cry.
Above is a video called,
Fairy Tale Glitter Them Original.
Thx for Reading!

A Difficult Love (Zane x Reader x Garroth) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now