I dont know what to call this

125 7 0

Aye milky ways!

I just uploaded an anime quote book so check it out.

I haven't been active in most of my books and I'll start frequently updating again by tomorrow, I think XDDD

So yeah check it out!

The bet is almost over and HALP! I need 200 followers by then and I know we can do it!

Just as advance, should I make a book just uploading about my life? I don't want to fill up this book with just life updates. So tell me in the comments.

Don't tell anyone but If we do lose the bet im just not going to give my friend the password >:3

But I might get killed.

But no one wants a random girl to post random pics of herself XDDD

Anyway, Bui my Milky Ways ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

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