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"She's mine too!" He argued but Connie didn't want to listen to a word he had to say.

"No Jacob, she's my daughter only." She said as she rocked the little baby sleeping on her hands. "You need to leave now Jacob."

"Connie, we both played a part in this." He said. "She is mine as much as she is yours. I love her and I love you too."

"But I don't Jacob." She replied. "I never once loved you."

Jacob stood there shocked. They had been together for nearly 11 months and she is saying she never once loved him. "What did you say?" He asked still unable to believe what she had said.

"I don't love you Jacob and I never had before." She said coldly. She had return back to her icy queen nature.

"But the baby...she is the symbol of our love Connie." He replied hoping she would agree.

"Jacob, I just wanted a child, nothing else." She said. "And since you were love struck over me, I thought you would be the perfect person."

He couldn't believe what Connie was saying. All that time he thought she loved him, it was all pretend. She had never once loved him. She used him to achieve what she wanted and now she is leaving him. He has noticed that since she found out she was pregnant, she had changed, became less close to Jacob but he had brushed it off as hormones but he was wrong.

"What you did was wrong Connie." He said tears going down his face. "You played with my feelings...my emotions! My love for you was true but you just pretended to get what you wanted! You used me Connie and for that, I will never forgive you! Never! I have learnt from my mistake! I thought you had truly changed but no, you are still the cold, selfish bitch!"

He went towards the door and left after placing the spare key on her table! He never once got to hold her daughter...and he will never forgive connie for what she had put him through...

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